This page is in progress! Please check back for updates.
For RDA standards and guidelines, please see the RDA Cataloging Reference Shelf
UC Berkeley RDA training materials
- General training for all catalogers, Fall 2013
- Day 1: All about FRBR; Introduction to RDA
- Prerequisite reading
- RDA Chapter 0 (approx. 2 pages)
- Characteristics of BIBCO Standard Records (BSR) (1 page)
- Pages 3-5 of PCC RDA BIBCO Standard Record (BSR) Metadata Application Profile
- Optional reading
- Chapters 3-6 (pages 13-83) of Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records Final Report
- Day 1 slideshow: Part 1 / Part 2
- FRBR entities and relationships poster
- Library of Congress training materials: go to this page, then scroll to:
- FRBR Fundamental Concepts
- FRBR Practicum: Applying the Concepts
- RDA: Module 1 -- Introduction to RDA; Identifying Manifestations and Items (Units 1-3 only)
- Prerequisite reading
- Day 2: All about RDA Toolkit
- Day 2 slideshow
- Day 2 exercises and links
- Using the RDA Toolkit booklet
- recommended viewing: RDA Toolkit Essentials webinar
- Library of Congress training materials: go to this page, then scroll to:
- Using the RDA Toolkit
- Days 3, 4, 6 Example set
- Day 3: Applying BIBCO Standard Record (BSR) for books in RDA instruction number order, part 1 of 2
- Day 3 slideshow
- Exercises on title and statement of responsibility / Answers
- 264 decision tree
- 264 mini spreadsheet
- Exercises on 264 / Answers
- Followup reading
- RDA Chapter 1 (approx. 2 pages)
- Library of Congress training materials: go to this page, then scroll to:
- RDA: Module 1 -- Introduction to RDA; Identifying Manifestations and Items (Units 4-5 only)
- Day 4: Applying BIBCO Standard Record (BSR) for books in RDA instruction number order, part 2 of 2
- Day 4 slideshow
- Exercises on creator, etc. / Answers
- Library of Congress training materials: go to this page, then scroll to:
- RDA: Module 2 -- Describing Carriers and Identifying Works (Units 1-3 only)
- RDA: Module 3 -- Identifying Expressions and Describing Content (parts of Unit 1, all of Units 4-5 only)
- RDA: Module 4 -- Relationships (Units 1-3 only)
- Day 5: All about Authorized access points; All about Relationship designators
- Day 5 slideshow
- New MARC Authority fields
- Compilations and collaborations cheat sheet
- Authorities usage tree
- Exam 1: authority records
- Exam 2: compilations and collaborations
- Library of Congress training materials: go to this page, then scroll to:
- RDA: Module 2 -- Describing Carriers and Identifying Works (Units 4-6 only)
- RDA: Module 3 -- Identifying Expressions and Describing Content (Units 1-3, Appendices 1-2 only)
- RDA: Module 4 -- Relationships
- RDA: Module 5 -- Authorities I & RDA: Module 6 -- Authorities II
- Day 6: Applying BIBCO Standard Record (BSR) for books in MARC tag number order
- Day 1: All about FRBR; Introduction to RDA
- Specialized training
- Serials/continuing resources cataloging, Spring 2014
- Prerequisite reading
- Slideshow for Day 1: Applying CONSER Standard Record (CSR) for textual resources - original cataloging, part 1 of 2
- Slideshow for Day 2: Applying CONSER Standard Record (CSR) for textual resources - original cataloging, part 2 of 2
- Slideshow for Day 3: Making changes/working with copy
- Class materials
- Serials Example set: A through C / D through F
- Serials training workform
- Flowcharts: "Is it a serial/IR" and Basis of identification & Preferred source
- Quick Quiz on Work and Expression Authorized Access Points
- Core WEMI relationships table
- Making Changes to Copy -- Serials
- Making Changes to Copy -- Integrating Resources
- Serials Example set MARC records
- CONSER RDA "bridge" training materials
- Moving image resources cataloging, Fall 2014
- Prerequisite reading: review general training materials above, especially Day 3: statement of responsibility and 264
- Slideshow
- Class materials
- Moving images Example set
- Moving images training workform
- Moving images Example MARC record (forthcoming)
- Serials/continuing resources cataloging, Spring 2014
- more specialized training to come
Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ
Examples of RDA MARC records - bib and authority
For further reading/viewing
- LC Catalogers Learning Workshop RDA training materials
- UC San Diego FRBR and RDA training documentation
- ALCTS continuing education webinars on cataloging and RDA
last update: 2014-09-26