Fulfillment/Resource Sharing/User Management

This page contains documents related to Fulfillment, Resource Sharing, and User Management functional areas. 

Documentation on this site will continue to change as we gain experience in Alma and UC Library Search, and as new features, processes, and policies are introduced. If you notice anything that needs to be updated or fixed, please let us know using the feedback form


APriCoT functional area leads

Fulfillment and User Management: Mark Marrow (mmarrow@library.berkeley.edu)

Resource Sharing: Kristen Van Vliet (kvanvliet@berkeley.edu)


Additional Resources

ALMA Fulfillment Training site (training resources for UC Berkeley staff and SLEs)

Ex Libris documentation on Fulfillment (for Fulfillment and Resource Sharing)

Ex Libris documentation on Administration (for User Management)

By gosselar on 09-15-2023


This document covers how a unique identification number is manually added to an external user’s record. Following the steps below will ensure that the user’s record has a University ID associated with it and that the record gets properly updated in the future.

By mmarrow on

This document describes the process for handling AFN requests by non-UCB users only.

By kvanvliet on

Fulfillment training videos covering basic transactions including viewing patron records, checking items out and in, using pick from shelf lists, placing holds, and clearing the hold shelf.

By psoriano on

This procedure outlines the process for circulation staff to create minimal records in Alma for 3D objects, including equipment and electronic devices, so they can be loaned out to users. This procedure applies to such objects as laptops, power banks, chargers, mice, and frisbees.

By abaron on

This document contains the processes and use cases for deleting item records which were created recently in error. This document does not cover deletion for catalog maintenance nor what are traditionally considered as withdrawals.

By jcripe on

List of most of the barcode sequences for UC Berkeley, include Berkeley and NRLF barcode sequences. Also included are UC Path and SIS barcode sequences for user records

By mmarrow on

List of item policies

By mmarrow on

This document describes best practices for entering and maintaining data in the Internal Note 1 field.

By lweber on

Item records in Alma provide the basis for a wide range of operations in technical and public services, such as checking things in/out, placing requests, billing, labeling, binding, tracking of in-process materials, and compiling statistics. Every item record in Alma must be attached to a holdings record, which is attached to the bibliographic (bib) record.

By jcripe on

Item templates in Alma enable staff who have a need to create many item records with similar characteristics to prefill specific fields in those records with desired values, making the item creation process more efficient and accurate.

By abaron on