
This page contains documents related to acquisitions of scholarly resources.

The Acquisitions (ACQ) Department resides in the Collection Services Division (CSD) of the UCB Library. The primary function of ACQ is to order, receive, and invoice scholarly resources regardless of myriad formats acquired by the library. 

Documentation on this site will continue to change as we gain experience in Alma and UC Library Search, and as new features, processes, and policies are introduced. If you notice anything that needs to be updated or fixed, please let us know using the feedback form


APriCoT functional area lead

Osman Celik (

By ocelik on 09-15-2023


This procedure outlines how the Collection Services Division is using the Acquisitions Technical Services work order in Alma for items that are being sent to Metadata Services for cataloging.

By abaron on

This document covers the placement of regular and piggyback barcodes in print items.

By abaron on

This document describes steps for electronic ordering in Alma

By jdezember on

This Collection Services Division policy identifies which components of newly acquired resources are considered to be essential to retain, describe, and preserve. This policy also applies to the preservation of circulating collections, as well as any changes that may be made to a catalog record.

By abaron on

Item templates in Alma enable staff who have a need to create many item records with similar characteristics to prefill specific fields in those records with desired values, making the item creation process more efficient and accurate.

By abaron on

One-stop document containing all the links related to onboarding a new Library hire with Alma and UC Library Search.

By gosselar on

This document describes ordering of one-time purchases (resources) in Alma.

By psoriano on

POL Jobs descriptions

By psoriano on

This document describes receiving of one-time purchases (resources) in Alma.

By psoriano on

Instructions for relinking POLs.

By psoriano on