Graduate Services (study only)

This location is open only for browsing the collections and studying.

Graduate Services, located in Doe Library, offers a core non-circulating research collection that supports UC Berkeley’s graduate programs in the humanities and history. Graduate Services provides a quiet and congenial study space for graduate students and faculty, which includes the Dissertation Writer’s Room — a space dedicated to doctoral students advanced to candidacy.

This library is wheelchair accessible.


Feb 9 - Feb 15
Location Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Graduate Services (study only) monthly calendar 1 p.m.-6 a.m. 8 a.m.-6 a.m. 8 a.m.-6 a.m. 8 a.m.-6 a.m. 8 a.m.-6 a.m. 8 a.m.-10 p.m. 9 a.m.-10 p.m.
Swipe to see more hours
View monthly calendar


  • Use online tools or connect with a librarian to achieve your research goals. 

  • The UC Berkeley Library provides special assistance to Library users with disabilities as they engage with the Library and its resources. 

  • Make use of the printing and scanning options available at most library locations.

  • Learn how to access or place textbooks and other materials on digital course reserves.

  • 510-642-9255 (642-WALK)

    Arrange free night-safety services, including a walking escort to get you home safely. 



Doe Library exterior
Graduate Services
208 Doe Library
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-6000

This library is wheelchair accessible.

Explore Graduate Services


Graduate Services is a collection and study space dedicated to collections serving UC Berkeley faculty, graduate students, postdocs, and visiting scholars. Access to Graduate Services is strictly for faculty, graduate students, postdocs, and visiting scholars.

Graduate Services provides:

  • Study tables, some with electrical outlets for laptop computers
  • Computer workstations for library research and internet access
  • Eduroam wireless connectivity
  • A scan and print workstation (printer located in the adjacent Reference Center)

Graduate students and faculty needing individual reference assistance should consult the librarian in their field of interest. See also Services for Graduate Students for general information about using the Library.


All Graduate Services materials are non-circulating, and can only be used within Graduate Services. To find materials in Graduate Services, you can use UC Library Search, the University of California’s all-in-one-platform for discovery.

Dissertation room

Located at the rear of Graduate Services, the Dissertation Writer’s Room (Room 215) is a space dedicated to doctoral students advanced to candidacy. There are 24 lockers in the room that can be checked out for an academic year. Lockers in the Dissertation Writer’s Room are solely reserved for UC Berkeley graduate students who are currently writing their dissertation. The hours for the room are the same as for Graduate Services. Graduate Students who would like to reserve a locker key can email 

About the collection

Graduate Services houses tens of thousands of volumes. All materials in Graduate Services are non-circulating, and can only be used within Graduate Services.

The Core Collection is a research collection supporting graduate programs in the humanities and history. This collection, largely duplicative of Main Stack material, comprises standard editions of core texts, works of major theorists, titles on master's exams reading lists, and other materials heavily used by graduate students.

The Modern Authors Collection (XMAC) includes the works of major 20th century English, American, and Anglophone literary authors. Authors are selected by the English Department. The XMAC collection is shelved separately using its own call number scheme.

Graduate Services also houses a small collection of English and foreign language dictionaries.

Recommendations for additions to the collection by users of Graduate Services are welcome. Please use the Purchase Request Form to request materials be added to the Graduate Services collection.