Visiting the archive
The Mark Twain Papers reading room and Project offices are located in The Bancroft Library, Room 475. Enter Bancroft from the second floor of Doe Library or from the east entrance to Doe Annex, facing the Sather Campanile and the Esplanade.
The MTP is open Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. and 1-4 p.m. by appointment.
To schedule a visit, email us.
Have other questions for our Mark Twain Project staff? Please see our FAQ page, or email us.
More information
Contact the MTP
General contact information
Phone: 510-642-6480
Fax: 510-642-6349
Address written correspondence or donation checks to:
Mark Twain Papers
University of California at Berkeley
The Bancroft Library, Room 475
Berkeley, CA 94720-6000
Contact the General Editor
Queries to the General Editor should be directed to:
Robert H. Hirst, General Editor
Mark Twain Papers & Project
University of California at Berkeley
The Bancroft Library, Room 475
Berkeley, CA 94720-6000
Before your visit
Please schedule your visit in advance so that approved materials will be ready when you arrive. For general information about visiting the campus, see Visit Berkeley.
Mark Twain Project online contains our public-facing correspondence catalog with records for letters held all over the world, not only at MTP (“CU-MARK”). UC Library Search has records for all UC Berkeley libraries. For the MTP’s holdings, choose “Mark Twain Papers” as the search location instead of “Entire Collection.” Our Writings and Images catalogs remain private, for now, but inquiries are welcome.
Image: Mark Twain’s admission ticket for the British Museum, 1872. [Mark Twain Papers]
Please plan to leave your belongings in a locker near Doe Annex’s east door and to register as a visitor at the Bancroft security desk. Registration requires picture identification.
All Bancroft Library collections are non-circulating. Please read Bancroft’s Reading Room Rules, and Rights & Permissions pages before your visit, as well as the MTP’s Permissions page.