Serials - Closing holdings

Holdings records are linked to Bibliographic Records and have Item Records linked in turn to them. They include a summary of holdings for serials and MVMs for each holding location.


  • Check that the order record has been properly closed.  If it has not been closed, immediately contact to close the order record.
  • Check that the holdings record has the appropriately formatted 852 (call number) and 866/867/868
  • Close “Library Has” 866/867/868 following established procedures. Include gaps, begin and end dates. Remove from the statement any volumes in NRLF. Guidelines require volumes stored at NRLF be removed from campus holdings.
  • Bind up remaining unbound issues.
  • Clean up holdings record by deleting any erroneous  notes, public display notes, unbound shelving notes, misc int notes, etc. Some types of informational notes may be left in if helpful, eg: “Some issues accompanied by CD-ROM, SerCat has noted” and “TR from EART 1/96”.
  • Do not delete binding information.
  • In the existing 852 field, insert a $$x note explaining closing using the standard below. An additional explanatory $$x note may be added to the existing 852 field if necessary.

Closed Record - title canceled. <initials> and date

Closed Record - title ceased. <initials> and date

Closed Record - Successive Entry Change. <initials> and date

  • Make sure all item records are linked to the Holdings Record.
  • Delete any unneeded predicted items
  • View the record in public display to make sure the record appears to the public accurately

By jcripe on 01-03-2024
