Interim procedure for marking new Alma records created in error for deletion


In Alma it is unfortunately very easy to create a duplicate record in either the Institution Zone (IZ) or the Network Zone (NZ), and such accidental duplicates should be marked for deletion. Eventually, records correctly marked for deletion will be gathered and deleted from the catalog.

This procedure targets such mistakenly created new records, rather than fully cataloged records that existed in Millennium and migrated to Alma. Procedures for maintenance of the latter cases need more consideration.

This procedure may also be used for brief, uncataloged order-level bib records that are no longer needed. A typical example: An additional copy of a resource has its order on a separate, brief bib record: When it is cataloged, its holdings record, item record, and purchase order line (POL) are relinked to an already existing, fully cataloged bib record. The resulting uncataloged brief bib with no attached POL or inventory should then be marked for deletion.

This is an interim procedure, and it will almost certainly change in future.

NOTE: Marking records for deletion is not the same as withdrawing materials.

Marking records for deletion concerns cases where a record (bib, item, or holdings (and POLs for ACQ)) is a mistake, a duplicate, or is for some other reason not wanted or is not appropriate for inclusion in the catalog.

Withdrawing materials concerns cases where a resource was added to the collection and was later removed from the collection, for example, because it was lost or went missing, because it was deselected, or because it was withdrawn in lieu of storage. In these cases the UC Berkeley Library retains the records in order to perform annual statistics, to allow easier reinstatement if a lost item returns, or to inform staff in future about the reason for a resource's withdrawal.

A. Unlink IZ and NZ bibs

Before you begin to mark bib records for deletion, make sure any IZ and NZ bibs involved are not linked to each other.

  1. Edit IZ bib (Metadata Editor=MDE)
  2. Record Actions menu - select Copy to Catalog
  3. Save and release the bib record from the MDE

"Copy to Catalog" unlinks the IZ bib from the NZ bib. There are now 2 distinct bib records: 1 in the NZ, and 1 in the IZ that is not linked to the NZ bib.

B. To mark an NZ bib for deletion:

For the time being, we cannot suppress NZ bibs from discovery.

1. NZ bib - Option 1 - Manual edit:

  1. Verify holdings In NZ
    • Verify that the resource is not "Held by" any UC
    • Check for a 910 field with text "Has related records (campus)"
      • If a 910 is present, do not mark the bib for deletion.
      • If campus = UCB, consult with your cataloging unit.
      • (Related records is an Ex Libris cover term for resources like analytics and bound-withs. Campus holdings for related records do not appear in the NZ. The 910 signals that a campus does hold the resource, at least in part.)
  2. Edit NZ bib (MDE)
  3. Add 902 field ('-' means blank indicator):
    • Field should look exactly like this: 902 -- $$a NZ RECORD REPORTED FOR DELETION
  4. Change MARC tag for OCLC# from 035 to 935. Example:
    • Before change: 035 -- $$a (OCoLC)12345678
    • After change: 935 -- $$a (OCoLC)12345678
  5. Save and release the bib record from the MDE
  6. If appropriate (e.g., NZ bib is wrong bib for resource, not just a duplicate), cancel UCB holdings in OCLC

2. NZ bib - Option 2 - Apply NZ normalization rule:

  1. Verify holdings In NZ
    • Verify that the resource is not "Held by" any UC
    • Check for a 910 field with text "Has related records (campus)"
      • If a 910 is present, do not mark the bib for deletion.
      • If campus = UCB, consult with your cataloging unit.
      • (See B.1.a for a brief explanation of related records.)
  2. Edit NZ bib (MDE)
  3. Editing Actions menu - select Enhance the Record
  4. In the Choose Normalization Type dropdown, select "allUC Mark NZ bib for deletion" and click OK
    • The normalization rule should add a 902 and change an 035 with OCLC# to a 935 with OCLC#
  5. Save and release the bib record from the MDE
  6. If appropriate (e.g., NZ bib is wrong bib for resource, not just a duplicate), cancel UCB holdings in OCLC

C. To mark an IZ bib for deletion:

  1. Consider any inventory (item and holdings records) linked to the bib.
    • Relink any valid (non-duplicate, non-mistaken) item or holdings to the correct bib. Relink POLs at the same time (see C.2). Relinking POLs, holdings, and items
    • Only duplicate or mistaken items and holdings should remain linked to a bib record that will be marked for deletion.
    • See the holdings and item record sections of this document for deletion instructions for those record types.
  2. Consider any POL linked to the bib.
    • Relink any POL to the correct bib. Relink inventory at the same time (see C.1). Relinking POLs, holdings, and items
    • Only staff with higher ACQ roles will be able to delete a POL.
  3. Edit IZ bib (MDE)
  4. Record Actions menu - select Suppress from Discovery
  5. Add local extension 997 ('-' means blank indicator):
    • 997 -- $$a DELETE IZ BIB yyyymmdd initials
    • (initials = initials as used in Millennium: 1-2 characters for unit + 2-3 for employee)
  6. Change MARC tag for OCLC# from 035 to 935. Example:
    • Before change: 035 -- $$a (OCoLC)12345678
    • After change: 935 -- $$a (OCoLC)12345678
  7. Save and release the bib record from the MDE

The RM training group hopes to develop a UCB normalization rule to mark an IZ bib for deletion soon.

D. To mark a holdings record for deletion:

  1. Edit holdings record (MDE)
  2. Record Actions menu - select Suppress from Discovery
  3. In 852, add subfield-x to end of field: $$x DELETE HR yyyymmdd initials
    • (initials = initials as used in Millennium: 1-2 characters for unit + 2-3 for employee)
    • Example: 852 0_ $$b MAIN $$c ma $$h DU100 $$i .F46 2007 $$x DELETE HR 20210927 tsxy
  4. Save and release the holdings record from the MDE

E. To mark an item record for deletion:

See these instructions:

Deleting (Withdrawing) Item Records in Alma

Dealing with Not Received or Missing Serial Issues during Binding

Predicted Serial Item Cleanup (Deleting Unneeded Not Received Items)

By jcripe on 03-21-2024
