Event guidelines
Room reservations
The Library offers a few public spaces for rent when not in use, however, each event is subject to approval by the Library. All events held in Library spaces should meet the mission and goals of the Library and should be in compliance with event guidelines.
The Morrison Library is available for rental 5-8:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, and is closed on the weekend. This space is good for receptions, lectures and large presentations and can accommodate 150-200 people.
Please note: Morrison Library is currently unavailable for bookings until June 2025.
The Doe Steps/Terrace is available for rental Monday through Sunday and can accommodate 300 people.
The Doe Upper Terrace is available for rental Monday through Sunday and can accommodate 150 people.
Room rentals require use of a chartstring or the ability to write a check to The Regents of the University of California. Checks will incur a 9% Administrative Full Costing (AFC) fee.
If you are interested in reserving the following spaces, please submit your request through the appropriate form:
- Morrison Library (Rental Fee = $1,000); for more details, see Morrison Library events
- Doe Steps/Terrace (Rental Fee = $500)
- Doe Upper Terrace (Rental Fee = $350)
You may only use Berkeley Catering — Cal Dining or I-House Catering for full service events at Doe or Moffitt libraries, where food preparation and/or labor services (such as pouring wine, serving or preparing plates for guests, setup or clean-up) are provided by catering staff onsite. You may not use another caterer to provide these services, even if Berkeley Catering and I-House Catering are not able to provide onsite catering services.
These restrictions do not apply to drop-off catering of pre-prepared or packaged food delivered to the libraries from other caterers, restaurants or approved campus vendors. You may also pick up prepared food for your event. Event hosts are responsible for clean up and trash removal.
Policy: Article 5/Regents Policy 5402 and AFSCME collective bargaining agreements (Service — SX & Patient Care Technical — EX) impose limitations on the use of third-party suppliers to perform “covered services” work. “Covered services” are broadly defined as work traditionally performed by AFSCME-represented University employees. CA Senate Bill SB 820 prohibits the contracting out of any and all “covered services” in University buildings that receive capital state funding. Doe and Moffitt libraries are UCB state-funded buildings.
Alcohol permits
If you plan to host an event that will include alcohol, please refer to the campus alcohol policy and submit the alcohol permit request form for approval to libraryevents@berkeley.edu. You must submit the alcohol request form at least two (2) weeks prior to the event date, as UCPD needs at least seven (7) business days to process.
The University’s Major Events Policy, authored by the VC of Student Affairs, provides all campus users direction for planning special events, including events serving alcohol. If you want to host a special event with alcohol and/or you need a security assessment, you’ll need to follow the Special Event and Security Assessments policy.
If you are a department, questions about the policy should be directed to Risk Services, 510-642-5171.
If you are a non-department user, call the LEAD Center at 510-642-5141 and view the Major Events Hosted by Non-Departmental Users policy.
Amplified sound
If your event requires amplified sound on the Doe Steps/Terrace, Doe Upper Terrace, or Memorial Glade, you must request permission from the Library and ASUC Event Services. If you would like to use amplified sound for your event, please contact the Library Events Coordinator with your request at libraryevents@berkeley.edu. Please note, our first priority is to provide a quiet environment for students in the Doe Library. Requests may be affected by Doe Library’s hours.
Health and safety protocols: COVID-19
The sponsoring unit is responsible for maintaining all health and safety protocols. For the most up-to-date campus guidance, please refer to the campus events and coronavirus page.
Loading and unloading can only be done if the car is temporarily parked outside of the Doe South Entrance. If your event is located closer to the Doe North Entrance (Doe Steps or Doe Upper Terrace), there are specified loading/unloading areas on the Library Access Plans. The Library does not offer parking permits to library patrons but if you are willing to purchase parking permits for some of the guests at your event, you can learn more about how to arrange for and pay for parking permits.