- Patrons must complete the Electronic Agreement Form prior to the first checkout of any laptop.
- One electronic device per person.
- Devices are available on a first come, first served basis.
- Upon check-out and check-in, the device will be examined with the patron to ensure all parts are operational.
- Device must be returned in person at due time, or at the latest, one-hour before closing.
- Any stored data or information will be erased after the item is returned.
- The library lends Apple MacBook Air laptops, Dell Latitude laptops, Lenovo ThinkPads, Toshiba Chromebooks, and some accessories.
- See Equipment lending for details.
- Laptops may be borrowed from:
- Laptop loan periods:
- 4-hour loan: Engineering Library, Moffitt Library
- 1-day loan: Social Research Library
- 14-day loan: Moffitt Library, Social Research Library
- UC Berkeley Students with a valid Cal ID (and select yellow library card holders) may borrow a device for use anywhere.
- Eligible students must be in good standing with the Library (no fines, no overdue items, and no blocks).
- Students have full administrative privileges restricted by Deep Freeze.
- Library devices use Deep Freeze to restrict data from being saved to the hard drive.
- Users are responsible for saving to cloud-based services or to an external drive.
- You can check their availability in UC Library Search:
- MacBook Air with OSX
- Dell Latitude (Moffitt Library only)
- Lenovo Thinkpad
- There are Android and Apple Lightning USB wall chargers with cables available for checkout to UC Berkeley students at Moffitt Library and the Engineering Library Circulation Desk.
- The loan period is four hours with no renewal or overnight.
- Students must present their Cal1 ID card to borrow.
The Library Laptop Lending program is funded by the Berkeley Student Technology Fund.
No login is required to access the computer. However, you will need a CalNet ID/passphrase to access the wireless internet connection (eduroam).
To print from a laptop or personal device go to and log in with your CalNet ID. See the Mobile printing guide for more details.
Fines and charges
Borrowers are responsible for loss, damage, and theft of the laptop while in their possession. Borrowers should verify the condition of the laptop at the time of check-out and upon check-in. See the Pay fines page for replacement and overdue charges.
Some laptops run only the Windows Operating System while other laptops run just OSX.
MAC OSX - Sierra
- Adobe Creative Cloud
- Chrome
- Cyberduck
- Firefox
- iTunes
- Microsoft Office Plus 2016
- Safari
- VLC Media Player
Windows 10 Education
- Adobe Creative Cloud
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Microsoft Edge
- iTunes
- Java 8
- Microsoft Office Pro Plus 2016
- Microsoft Silverlight
- Microsoft.NET framework
- R for Windows
- VLC Media Player
- Windows Media Player
- WinSCP
- Zotero
UC Berkeley Computer Use Policy
UC Berkeley Electronic Communications Policy