Executive Committee Minutes 9/17/97

     Meeting No. 1997/98 (1)
     17 September 1997
     9:00 - 11:00 AM, 109 Moses Hall
     Present: W. Benemann (out-going Secretary), R. Brandt, T. Dean, G. 
     Irving (CAPA), D. Jan, R. Moon, G. Peete, V. Shih, D. Sommer (Chair), 
     A. Swartzell, C. Tarr, K. Vanden Heuvel, L. Vida-Sunnen, J. Von Euw, 
     B. Weil
     Absent: C.Lee, G. Peete, A. Sevetson
     Handouts: Agenda; Minutes of Meeting 1996/97 (13); Draft budget; 
     Letter to Peter Lyman; Roster of Executive Committee; Memo from CAPA
     I.         Turn-over formalities -- D. Sommer
        The out-going members of the Executive Committee were thanked for 
     their service to LAUC-B, and the new members were welcomed.
     II.        Announcements -- D. Sommer
        a.)  Andrea Sevetson has been designated as the LAUC-B 
     representative to the Blue Ribbon Committee on the Library.
        b.) An ad hoc committee was appointed to prepare materials for the
     Blue Ribbon Committee. 
        c.)  New committee members were announced for both LAUC-B and 
     LAUC Statewide committees.
     III.       The MINUTES for meeting 1996/97 (13) were approved, with 
     IV.        Treasurer's report -- D. Jan
     The proposed LAUC-B budget for 1997/98 was presented.  
     The amount budgeted for G.A. has been adjusted to reflect a decreased
     need for a student assistant position.  LAUC-B Executive Committee
     members may request reimbursement from B. Weil if they use students from
     their own units to perform LAUC work.  
        ACTION: D. Sommer and T. Dean will draft a cover letter, and send 
     the proposed budget to The Vice Chancellor.
        We continue to have difficulty in formulating an accurate, 
     up-to-date LAUC-B membership list.
        ACTION: D. Jan will update the membership list and distribute it to 
     the appropriate people.
     V.         Old business -- D. Sommer
        a.)  LAUC-B would like to sponsor a conference in early May 1998.  
     After two conferences that focused on copyright issues, it was felt 
     that this conference should be on a different topic.  Scholarly
     publishing and communication was suggested as a topic. It was pointed
     out that the financial success of the past two conferences was largely
     a factor of choosing a topic that appealed to the private sector, and
     those attendees who were willing to pay the full registration fee.
        ACTION: D. Sommer will approach LAUC-B members to see if they would
     be willing to organize the conference.
        b.)  The LAUC-B Fall Assembly has been tentatively scheduled for 
     November 11, 12 or 13.  A meeting place needs to be found.
             ACTION: K. Vanden Heuvel will check on the availability of the 
     Goldberg VIP Room at the Law School for those dates.
     Various people were discussed as possible speakers for the Fall  

     VI.        CAPA -- G. Irving
     Timeliness in the processing of performance evaluations continues to be
     a problem.  A question has arisen concerning situations in which the
     final decision-maker requests additional information about the librarian
     being evaluated.

     D. Sommer feels there may be  a need to organize a Professional
     Governance Committee, a body to which LAUC-B members can turn when they
     have questions about the peer review process.  CAPA members currently
     involved in peer review are not free to answer non-procedural
     questions that arise (e.g. provide advice about which documentation to
     include in a particular dossier), but a committee or ombudsperson --
     particularly former CAPA member(s) -- could discuss all aspects of the
     process.  The discussion was not conclusive.
     VII.       Travel -- D. Jan
     D. Jan reviewed the handling of travel funds in 1996/97.

     VIII.      Divisional monitoring -- D. Sommer
     In order to stay in touch with issues and activities in other LAUC
     Divisions, D. Sommer asked Executive Committee members to assume
     responsibility for monitoring the Minutes of other LAUC divisional
     meetings.  Executive Committee members will report to the Committee any
     items they think to be of particular interest or relevance.
     The next LAUC-B Executive Committee meeting will be Tuesday, October 
     21st, from 9:00 am to 11:00 am, in 109 Moses.