Executive Committee Minutes 6/23/98

LAUC-B Executive Committee
Meeting No. 1997/98 (10)
23 June 1998
9:05 - 11:10 am, 119 Moses Hall


Present: Phyllis Bischof (Guest), Terry Dean, Corliss Lee, Andrea Sevetson, Deborah Sommer (Chair), Christina Tarr, Linda Vida (Secretary), Jack Von Euw, Beth Weil

Absent: Marlene Harmon, Virginia Shih

Handouts: Agenda (6/23/98);CAPA's letter to the Vice-Chancellor regarding the Blue Ribbon Committee (BRC) Final Report (4/22/98); Draft Revisions to LAUC- B by-laws; Draft Minutes (5/19/98).

I. Announcements - D. Sommer

      a) D. Sommer reported that the campus committee appointed to make recommendations regarding administrative stipends for librarians has prepared a draft report. A final report will be sent to Vice Chancellor Christ soon.

      b) Janice Dost has mounted the new Internal Reassignment Policy on the Library Human Resources Development (LHRD) website at www.lib.berkeley.edu/LHRD/, in the section entitled Academic Review.

      c) The LAUC Fall Assembly will be held at UC San Francisco on December 10 and 11, 1998.

      d) The Academic Senate Committee will co-sponsor the LAUC-B Conference on Scholarly Publishing & Communication that will be held on November 6, 1998. Conference planning is coming along well with over half of the speakers confirmed to date.

      e) Lucia Snowhill, LAUC Chair, announced that LAUC has been asked to comment on the draft Systemwide library advisory structure.

      f) D. Sommer announced that all of the LAUC divisional minutes are available on the web, except for San Francisco and Santa Cruz. She reminded everyone on the Executive Committee (Ex Comm) to review their assigned minutes before each Ex Comm meeting and report on any significant items.

      g) There were no applications submitted for the Townsend Center Fellowship by the June 15, 1998 deadline. D. Sommer and T. Dean will discuss ways to encourage applicants for this year.

II. The MINUTES from the 5/19/98 (10) meeting were approved with corrections. L. Vida will send these MINUTES out on the LAUC-B reflector, have them mounted on the LAUC-B website and send an announcement to Patsy Inouye.

III. New Business

   Public Service Forum planning - D. Sommer
      P. Bischof approached D. Sommer with an idea to conduct a Public Service Forum for all UCB library staff. Penny Abell, Interim University Librarian, is very interested in this idea as well. C. Lee, P. Bischof, and D. Sommer met to discuss this idea and also wanted to explore various scenarios with Ex Comm. Discussion ensued regarding possible themes, formats, participants and outcomes for the planning committee to continue to explore.

      ACTION) P. Bischof and C. Lee will co-chair the planning committee for the public service forum. C. Tarr will participate on the committee to represent Affiliated staff and technical services staff. D. Sommer will approach different groups and ask for a liaison from each group to assist with planning. D. Sommer will keep P. Abell informed regarding the planning process. P. Bishof will draft a memo for D. Sommer to send out to the various groups.

   Ad hoc committee on by-laws recommendations - T. Dean
      Pat Maughan, Alice Youmans and T. Dean reviewed the LAUC-B By-Laws. T. Dean distributed copies of the committee's suggested by-laws revisions. The committee clarified some of the language and made two recommendations. Some of the language recommended for deletion should be incorporated into a yet-to-be written procedures manual. They also recommend that the Secretary and Treasurer positions become two-year positions. Ex Comm discussed the suggested revisions and T. Dean asked that any additional comments be sent to her. Discussion will continue at a future meeting.

   University Librarian interview - D. Sommer
      Elaine Sloan, a candidate for the University Librarian (UL) position, will be interviewed on campus July 13 & 14th. A. Sevetson and D. Sommer will be away. Discussion ensued about which Ex Comm members will be available to meet with her.

   The next meeting will be on Tuesday, July 7, 1998 from 9:00 am - 10:30 am.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 am.