Executive Committee Minutes 11/10/10

LAUC-B Executive Committee

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

10:00 a.m. 12:00 noon

303 Doe Library

Members present: Lucia Diamond, Susan Koskinen, Ramona Martinez (recorder), Margaret Phillips, Nick Robinson, Monica Singh, and I-Wei Wang

Members absent: Kathleen Gallagher and Shannon Supple

Guests: John Gallwey and Jason Schultz


I. Announcements

  • The LAUC-B budget was approved including extra money for the 2011 conference
  • The roster is now up-to-date on the website with note stating that the roster will be updated once per year.
  • The LAUC-B Fall Assembly is set: Tom Leonard will provide a welcome speech. New and retiring librarians will be mentioned. New LAUC-B website will be demonstrated.
  • The Committee on Diversity is looking for mentors.
  • The Committee on Research is having a meeting regarding research funding today at Noon in 251 Moffitt.

II. Reports

  1. Treasurer's Report (I. Wang): The balance is $55,902.99; another $93,539 is forthcoming.
  2. Meeting with the University Librarian (S. Koskinen, N. Robinson)
    • ULs are drafting a statement on eScholarship.
    • November will be quiet.
    • Bain Group may speak at Roundtable on December 9th.
    • Operational Excellence (OE) nothing new.
  3. Committee on the Library, Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate (N. Robinson)
    • Met on 11/1, merger with Computing Committee was on the agenda. Got memo from Rules and Elections Committee questioning by-laws change. Name change and merger is tabled until next semester.
    • Open Access subcommittee feels the group should be bigger to champion the issue wants broader Task Force perhaps under full Academic Senate not just a library issue.
    • Tom reported on NGTS recommendations that will be on ULs agenda on 11/30 i.e., greater systemwide collaboration: sharing language expertise, expanding shelf-ready services, expanding selector responsibility, making financial transactions more streamlined.
    • OE library has done some work to conform to OE targets re: organization
  4. LAUC Statewide Conference Call (S. Koskinen)

    • Recommendations for LAUC reps to the University Librarians Distinguished Status Working Group. UCLA came out with its own distinguished status report after Berkeleys. Lengthy discussion re: who should be nominated to working group. Designated chair, Helen Hunt Davis co-UL, Susan Wong will also be on the group. Lynn Jones of UCB was nominated. Group will work on short timeline to define distinguished status and let each campus come up with its own procedures.
    • Committee reports and minutes and NGTS report were discussed. CUL convenor, Bruce Miller, wrote ULs are operating in executive mode to determine which NGTS recommendations to pursue. When priorities are determined, the NGTS report will be shared.
    • Discussion included librarians as instructors in the APM (Academic Personnel Manual). APM is under UCOP purview. Committee on Professional Governance
      will look into it.
    • UCOLASC was discussed confidential
    • Statewide Assembly - Santa Barbara, March 11th. There will be a list-serv for delegates. All welcome, though only official delegates expenses will be reimbursed by LAUC.

III. Continuing Business

  1. LAUC-B Fall Assembly Planning (S. Koskinen): Tuesday, November 16th, 8:30-10:00 a.m. The draft agenda will go out today.
  2. LAUC Distinguished Librarians Status Task Group update (S. Koskinen): See notes above. Lynn Joness name was submitted as a nominee for the working group.
  3. LAUC-B Conference update (I. Wang):
    • The Alumni House is a possible venue
    • RFP went out with a reminder that LAUC research grants could be used
    • Bid for first-choice keynote speaker is out waiting to hear
    • The committee hopes to stay within their $12,000 budget so as not to have to seek additional funding. Thus, they currently expect that no travel stipends or honoraria will be available for RFP (request for proposal) speakers.
  4. Website
    • Going well one missing ingredient is FAQ re: professional development funding for membership fees.
    • Question: who can update? First priority was to get the site up and live then figure out who else can update. Possibly committee chairs could have permission to change their pages. Committee pages still need to be converted to the Drupal platform.

IV. New Business

  1. Nominations & Elections (J. Gallwey-incoming & J. Schultz-outgoing)

    • Turnover meeting was 2 weeks ago, October 29th. Committee members are all in place. Rosters are up-to-date.
    • Online election went well. Work to be done: look at the issues, i.e., possibility of voting twice, SurveyMonkey interface has changed research security settings, possibly look at other software, and investigate possibility of thank you email or some other kind of acknowledgment of vote. Response rate to online election is thought to be higher than paper election. Thank you to the committee (Jason Schultz particularly) for making online election possible.
    • Confidential committee material was on a password-protected page of the old
      LAUC-B website could move to bSpace. Committee members cannot access the old password-protected pages anymore.
    • Ex-Comm needs dates to determine Spring Assembly date must be at least 30 days prior to LAUC elections.
  2. UCSF CAPA (S. Koskinen): They need volunteers to participate in review committee. Sue Koskinen will solicit help from LAUC-B members who have served on CAPA.