2006 Spring Assembly Committee Reports


LAUC-B Committees:

Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Advancement (submitted by Mary Ann

The following summarizes activities of CAPA thus far in the in 11/1/2005 to 10/31/2006 term:

1. Workshops

The LAUC-B Professional Development Committee and CAPA co-sponsored a workshop on the academic review process on November 8, 2005. Workshop participants included Tom Leonard, University Librarian, outgoing CAPA members, and representatives from Library Human Resources and campus Academic Personnel Office.

2. Position Descriptions
CAPA has reviewed the following position descriptions: Bancroft Lead Archivist
Bancroft Survey Project Archivist (2 temporary positions, 2-year appointment) Law Librarian (Robbins Collection)
Physics-Astronomy & Mathematics-Statistics Librarians (2 positions)

3. Candidate Interviews
CAPA has interviewed candidates for the following positions: Federal Documents Librarian (3 candidates)
Law Librarian, School of Law (4 candidates)
Reference Librarian, Doe/Moffitt (7 month temp) (3 candidates) Librarian, Institute of Governmental Studies (4 candidates) Information Services Librarian, Public Health Library (3 candidates)

4. Review Process

CAPA is currently in the midst of the 2004 reviews. The current list of dossiers we anticipate reviewing has twenty-eight names. All but three dossiers have been received by LHRD and certified by the candidates. Four candidates are seeking career status and five candidates are seeking promotion. Four Ad Hoc Committees were appointed and they have all completed their reviews.

CAPA Members: Mary Ann Mahoney, Chair (2006) Corliss Lee (2006) John Gallwey (2007) Susan Koskinen (2007)


Elizabeth Edinger (2008) Myrtis Cochran (2008) James Eason (2008)

Committee on Affiliated Libraries Affairs (submitted by Rita Evans)

Affiliated Libraries Fall Assembly The Affiliated Fall Assembly was held on November
2, 2005 in the Goldberg Room at Boalt Hall. Reports from the affiliated representatives to the various library committees, councils, etc. were distributed electronically prior to the assembly. Linda Vida, TALAG Chair, and Lily Castillo-Speed, LAUC-B Chair, gave brief oral reports.

For the assembly program, Laine Farley, Director, Digital Library Services, California Digital Library, presented an overview of CDL products and services, including: bibliographic services, publishing services, digital library services, public content and preservation services. CDL wants to partner with individual libraries to digitally reformat selected materials, publish them to the web, and integrate them into one or more larger collections; enable faculty to publish papers, monographs, journals to the web; and selectively capture, organize, and manage web-based materials

Affiliated Libraries Spring Assembly The Affiliated Spring Assembly was held April 20,
2006 in the Bechtel Engineering Center. Reports from the affiliated representatives to the various library committees, councils, etc. were distributed electronically prior to the
assembly. TALAG Chair Linda Vida, LAUC-B Chair Lily Castillo-Speed, and Committee on
Diversity Chair Dayna Holz gave brief oral reports.

The program, New Web Tools, featured a panel presentation with speakers from three Affiliated Libraries. Terry Huwe of the Institute of Industrial Relations Library described how his library is using blogs to track and disseminate information about labor and economics news and events. Nick Robinson of the Institute of Governmental Studies Library showed how IGSL is using wiki software, including applications related to web harvesting. Chuck James of the Earthquake Engineering Research Center demonstrated integrated searching with the Earthquake Engineering Online Archive which allows users to retrieve bibliographic records, data, images and movies with a single search. A lively question-and-answer session followed.

Email reflector At TALAGs request, all staff members of the affiliated libraries are now on the affil@lists.berkeley.edu email reflector.

Committee website The website (/cala/index.html) has been enhanced with the addition of assembly minutes and presentations, documents outlining committee procedures and duties, a committee calendar, and reports to LAUC-B and the Affiliated Assemblies.

Affiliated Affairs Committee Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect Committee Vice-Chair Nick Robinson stepped down in March when he was elected chair of TALAG. ExComm appointed Susan Garbarino, director of the Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics

Library, to fill the vacancy. The Affiliated Libraries will elect both a Chair and Chair-Elect during the upcoming LAUC-B elections.
Committee on Diversity (submitted by Dayna Holz) Committee Members
Judy Bolstad (2007) Tanya Hollis (2007)
Dayna Holz, Chair (Affiliated representative) (2007) Teresa Mora, ex-officio (Statewide representative) (2007) Janice Otani (Staff representative) (2006)

Committee Activities

In October 2005, the LAUC-B Executive Committee directed the Committee on Diversity to investigate the librarian recruitment and hiring process at UCB with the following charge:

LAUC-B Executive Committee Charge to LAUC-B Committee on Diversity October 13, 2005
In the interest of working to strengthen the Universitys recruitment and retention of diverse librarians, the LAUC-B Executive Committee charges the LAUC-B Committee on Diversity with the task of compiling a list of the current procedures for hiring new librarians, in both The Library and in Affiliated Libraries. Upon compilation, this information will be evaluated to identify areas in which the campus might improve its recruitment and retention procedures.

Based on the charge, the Committee on Diversity developed a set of interview questions to cover the procedural areas of writing a job description, posting a job description, selecting candidates, and forming search committees. Interviews were conducted in person over the course of a month with seven librarians, two representatives from CAPA, and a representative from LHRD. The committee met to discuss findings in January 2006.

Based on these interviews, the committee wrote a report of preliminary findings, acknowledging that the survey is an incomplete assessment of cross-campus procedures and was constructed as an information-gathering exercise which may be expanded in the future to include a more comprehensive examination of librarian recruitment. The Executive Committee is currently reviewing a draft version of the report.

Committee on Professional Development (submitted by Dean Rowan)

Following the November 15, 2005, LAUC-B Fall Assembly, the Professional Development
Committee mounted two programs:

1. February 23, 2006

Google Book Search, Libraries, and Copyright
The featured speaker was Prof. Deirdre Mulligan, Boalt Hall School of Law, Director of the Samuelson Law, Technology & Public Policy Clinic. An expert on intellectual property, free expression, and privacy in a world being transformed by developing communications technologies, Prof. Mulligan described the arguments and implications for copyright and fair use surrounding the controversial Google Book Search project, Googles massive effort to scan, index, and provide limited access to millions of volumes of copyrighted and public domain books held at a number of research libraries. Shortly after announcing the project, groups representing publishers and authors filed suit
against Google seeking to prevent alleged copyright infringement. Prof. Mulligan discussed legal and information management implications of the cases, and fielded questions.

2. March 23, 2006
Brown Bag on the Bibliographic Services Task Force (BSTF)
In its effort to gather responses to the BSTF Report to be delivered to the Systemwide Operations and Planning Advisory Group (SOPAG), LAUC Statewide conducted an Early Bird discussion on March 13. Following that discussion, this Brown Bag was designed to solicit further LAUC-B responses from librarians and staff. The conversation included a wide range of opinions addressing a number of issues broached in the Report.

Presently, the Committee is preparing to arrange for lunch at an event co-sponsored by LAUC-B, the Library, and perhaps other organizations. The May 4 event, albeit a belated one, will acknowledge the American Library Association National Library Workers Day. The event will complement the November 9, 2005, Pay Equity Forum co-sponsored by LAUC-B at which Dr. Maurice Freedman spoke, and will premiere a DVD recording of Dr. Freedmans address. CUE has agreed to pay for the production of the DVD. The film will be aired at the event.

In January 2006, the Committee solicited suggestions for future activities and events. One suggestion in particular piqued the Committees interest, and we will communicate it to the next incarnation of the Committee: a panel discussion about the future of education for librarians. The panel would include representatives from the Information School and San Jos State University School of Library & Information Science, among others.

Committee on Research (submitted by Michael Sholinbeck)

Michael Sholinbeck (Chair) Paul Hamburg
Jennifer Nelson
David Sullivan (LAUC-B Representative to statewide LAUC Committee on Research and
Professional Development)

University-Wide Research Grants

On December 6, 2005, the LAUC-B Research Committee sponsored an informational brown-bag event where past grant recipients and potential grant applicants discussed issues, questions, and problems associated with the grant process. This event was well-attended and led to fruitful discussion of several issues. Four UCB librarians submitted grant proposals this year. Over the past several years, UCB librarians have submitted more successful proposals than librarians from any other UC campus.

Out of the December 6 event came ideas for changes that could be made in the grant process. Several of these related to the way money was disbursed and tracked. Other ideas related to how UCB librarians could hear about the research activities of their grant recipient colleagues. At the April 13, 2006 Executive Committee meeting, the Research Committee Chair presented these ideas. Our statewide representative will pass the suggestions relating
to funds to the statewide LAUC Research and Professional Development Committee. The local committee will write up a proposal for UCB grant recipients to make known their research, with the hope that it will be instituted in the near future. It is hoped that this will raise the profile of the grants, leading to more potential applicants.

Townsend Library Fellowship

On February 6, 2006, we sponsored an informational brown-bag event on the Townsend Library Fellowship grant. Several past recipients and potential applicants attended, as did a representative from the Townsend Center for the Humanities. Questions were answered, and three librarians submitted applications for this fellowship.


At our request, several web pages of both LAUC and LAUC-B were updated to provide more recent information on University-Wide Grant recipients, the Townsend Fellowship, and more.

Nominations and Elections Committee (submitted by Tanya Hollis)

Members of the committee are Tanya Hollis, Co-Chair (2006) Jean McKenzie (2007)
Linda McLane (Affiliated representative) (2007) Kai Stoeckenius, Co-Chair (2006)

1. With the Secretary of LAUC-B, the committee has updated the LAUC-B Committee Service History, which is now available through the LAUC-B website, with password protection.

2. The committee announced the following slate at a business meeting held May 1:

Vice Chair/Chair elect
Armanda Barone

Secretary Jennifer Nelson Carole McEwan

Library Representative - Library (2) Juliet Demeter
Jean Dickinson Virginia Shih Josh Schneider

Affiliated Rep. (1 year term) Susan Garbarino

Affiliated Rep. Alternate (2 year term) Shannon Supple

Statewide slate:

Vice President/President-Elect: Bob Heyer-Gray, LAUC-D Secretary: John Sisson, LAUC-I
Ballots will be mailed to the membership the week of May 15. Candidates statements will once again be available online, on the LAUC-B website. The URL will be sent to the LAUC list, and will be included with the ballots. The election date is Wednesday, June 7th; all ballots must be returned by this date.

LAUC Statewide Committees, UCB Representatives:

Committee on Committees, Rules, and Jurisdiction (submitted by Jill Woolums)

No activity since Fall report. Committee on Diversity No report.
Committee on Library Plans and Policies

No report.

Committee on Professional Governance (submitted by Michaelyn Burnette)

No activity since Fall report.

Research and Professional Development Committee

No report.