Serial titles often undergo many changes over the life of the publication. While ideally we would record all such changes in bibliographic records, circumstances require that we limit this work to those changes that affect identification of and access to the resource, i.e. changes that have a direct impact on users.
In C&MS, we contribute changes to the OCLC master record according to the following list:
- Freq/Regl: only if incorrect or changed
- DtSt/Dates: only if incorrect or changed
- 022: if missing or incorrect
- 1XX: only if incorrect
- 245: only if incorrect
- 246: if missing or incorrect, and any new alternate titles
- 310: only if incorrect or changed
- 362/515: only if incorrect, or if missing for a ceased title or restarted numbering sequence
- 490/830: if missing or incorrect, and any new
- 700/710/711: if missing or incorrect, and any new related work- or expression-level PFCs
- 780/785: if missing or incorrect, and any new
This list is intended to address scenarios such as ceased titles, minor title changes, frequency changes, restarted numbering, and new issuing body.
We may contribute changes to other fields (e.g. publication statement), as long as they affect identification and access.
UCB catalogers outside of C&MS who do not have CONSER authorization may submit a BadCat ticket for any authenticated serial record in OCLC that needs changes made to any fields in the preceding list.
- DtSt/Dates: only if incorrect or missing 2nd date for MVM
- 020: only if incorrect
- 1XX: only if incorrect
- 245: incorrect or missing subfields
- 246: if missing or incorrect, and any new alternate titles
- 250: missing or incorrect
- 264: incorrect or missing subfields
- 300 : only if $a is incorrect
- 490/830: if missing or incorrect, and any new
- Primary 6xx: only if incorrect
- 7xx(authors or primary editor): if missing or incorrect