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BTECH minutes - 3/4/98


March 4, 1998 
Recorder: Laura Moody 
Guest: Gary Quien 


Piggyback barcodes - Update 

After last month's discussion, Jim Woodmansee was contacted regarding
barcode wand problems that staff were experiencing. Jim's responses are 
as follows: 
Barcode Reader Problems: 

We have bought all of our barcodes from the same vendor for many years
now. A few years ago, we switched the color of piggybacks from white to yellow,
and then from yellow to baby blue. The Systems Office had some complaints of
difficulty reading one faulty batch of blue piggyback barcodes, but since
then our vendor has improved the contrast of the barcodes. 
Barcode Adhesive: 

Jim will report the problem to our vendor. 
Maintenance of Barcode Wands: 
Maintenance and cleaning of barcode equipment is handled by LWNS, so it
was advised that staff could contact the HelpDesk.  Dana Santa Cruz
reported that LWNS is willing to demonstrate for the group how to clean a
barcode wand. Pam Daniels will contact Paul Payne. 

Duplicate Barcodes: 
The Systems Office had received from Laura Moody in the Chemistry Library
some new piggyback barcodes that were duplicates of barcodes already in GLADIS.
The vendor seems to have duplicated some numbers previously used.
If staff have these or other problems with piggyback barcodes, please 
report them to Jim Woodmansee. 
ISSNs in INNOPAC - Update: 
After last month's discussion, Jim Woodmansee was also contacted regarding 
ISSNs in INNOPAC that have been deleted since the latest INNOPAC Release.
Jim looked at the INNOPAC load tables and founf that ISSNs / ISBNs
are still edit protected.  This means that they should not be overlayed or 
deleted when a record is updated from GLADIS. If staff could keep watching
for instances where ISSNs disappear, he can investigate some examples.  At
this point, Jim doesn't have much to go on. 
Free Workshop: 
Staff are encouraged to attend the following workshop: 

Computers Health Matters 
Time: Thursday, March 12, 10:30 am - 12 p.m. 
Instructor: Barbara Pottgen, Health Educator, 
University Health Services 
Learn about health issues related to computer use. 
Design a user-friendly workstation. 
Practice exercises to relieve computer-related aches and pains. 

This workshop meets the campus Cal OSHA ergonomics training requirement 
for computer users. To enroll, call HEALTH * MATTERS at 643-4646 

If staff are unable to attend this workshop, it will be offered again on
Thursday, May 7, 10:30 am - 12 p.m. 
Name Change for Discussion Group: 
At the last PSAG-TS meeting, it was suggested that the name of our
discussion group be changed. The new name -- Berkeley Technical Processing
Discussion Group -- better reflects the multiple audiences and multiple
uses that will be served by all staff. The new name emulates the evolving
nature of the discussion group since it began in 1995. All staff who were
present were in favor of this change. Note: The "BTECHGRP" acronym will
remain the same. 
Personnel Changes: 

Laura Ng introduced Esther Gold to the group. She will assist Laura with
technical processing functions in the Physics Library. Judy Walker
announced the following  personnel changes in the Serials/Documents
Division: Michael Conkin has left  the Serials Cataloging Unit and has
transferred to the Electronic Text Unit. 

Ching Chang has also left the Serials Cataloging Unit and has transferred
to the Bancroft Library. 
Dana Santa Cruz has left the Documents Technical Services Unit and has
transferred to the Government and Social Science Information Service (GSSI). 
Staff can refer any DOCS-TSU questions to Kay Sundstrom. 
As always, any serial record maintenance problems can be sent via email to 
the SERMAINT account. Jane Kelley will continue to monitor all incoming
messages and field questions to the appropriate staff person.


Bindery Delivery Schedule - Gary Quien

Lynn Jones, the new chair of PSAG-TS asked the group to consider a
proposal to reduce the frequency of deliveries to the Bindery from twice
a week (Tuesday and Friday) to only once a week (Friday).  Building Supply
and Maintenance has proposed this delivery reduction due to staff

The main impact would be that the turnaround time for RUSH binds would be 
lengthened to a week, and the number reduced from 200-220 to 125-150.  
Gary Quien, who assured the group that the Conservation Department is 
not endorsing this change, discussed the advantages and disadvantages of 
this proposal. 

The group was unanimous in voicing their total opposition to the proposed
schedule change. Some of the concerns that were raised: 

limited student staffing and space constraints in technical processing
areas Public service's expectations for a short turnaround time for
reference and  high-use titles would be reduced backlogs in RUSH binds
would be added to already significant backlogs in regular binding problems
anticipated with increased production levels at end of the semester or during 
summer sessions possibility of quotas imposed for RUSH binds. 

Pam Daniels will report these and other concerns at the next PSAG-TS

The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 am