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BTECH minutes - 8/5/98


August 5, 1998 
Recorder: Laura Moody 
Guests: Penny Bertrang, Kate Fletcher 


GLADIS Maintenance Ports 

Grace Abiko reports that maintenance ports are frequently busy with
OUTSIDE VIEW. If you are experiencing problems report it to the helpdesk.
Systems knos how to change the ports. There are also new Templates for 
Penny Abell 

Penny Abell was originally scheduled to attend this months meeting, but
due to  circumstances beyond her control she is not able to attend. We
will reschedule her for next months meeting. 
Duplicate barcodes -  Penny Bertrang 

Many branches have reported sheets of barcodes that are duplicated from
barcodes already in use on Gladis. Penny explained the many reasons for why 
this could happen. What appears to have happened, is that the company that
manufactures the barcodes for Berkeley printed barcodes destine to become
patron barcodes as Piggy Back and Dumb barcodes. The company that manufactures 
these barcodes has suggested that they need a better tracking system. 

The problem seems to have been resolved thanks to everyone sending the
problem sheets on to Jim Woodmansee.  This helped all involved to pinpoint
the exact problem. If problems with barcodes continue, please report the
problem ASAP and with details to Jim Woodmansee. If possible, continue to
send problematic barcode sheets to Jim. 

The color of Piggy Back barcodes was also discussed, with a consensus
amongst the  group that the blue colored barcodes were not good, i.e. very
hard to scan with a barcode wand reader. Yellow and pink were the
preferred colors.

Also mentioned was the barcode wand replacement project whereby all old
barcode wands would be replaced with newer barcode wands. 
Update Staff Training - Kate Fletcher (Training Coordinator/Tech Services) 

When in BPM, click on updates- Technical Services Performance Standards-  
go to last paragraph-click on Implementation and Training. 

TO THE GROUP: Please read and give Kate ideas on training courses they  
would like to see offered 
Make training issues a regular meeting agenda item. CU NEWS 
ould be used to disseminate information.  Work on links 
on PM page to FAQ's, etc. Tonette and Judy could be sources 
to help squelch repetitive problems. Redo BPM page so it 
will download more quickly 

What is BPM lacking? 
---Tonette brings forth "looseleafs" example. 

FUTURE GOAL: Tech Services Web Page 
Open Discussion 
The topic of Withdrawal procedures was brought forth by Kelly Ward.  
There are new WITHDRAWAL procedures but no direction! CARS system 
causing problems. Does PSAG-TS need to be involved? Consensus on what  
is the "right way" is needed. The group was asked to bring examples  
of problems to next B-TECH  meeting. 
Penny Abell will be our guest at the next meeting. The group came to a 
consensus on questions and concerns to bring up with her.  Systems office
questions: what is the status of the PC experts program, uniform upgrades
of equipment? 
There was a lengthy and somewhat confusing discussion about postal 
code problems. There seems to still be problems with mail delivery as 
it relates to the unrecognized zip + 4 postal codes the library is using. 
If the ZIP + 4 doesn't match, the US post office can send it back to
sender. Is there a problem recognizing the #6000 postal code for the
library? This topic may need to be revisited at a future date. 
Innopac code problems:There has been some observation from several
different Branches that Innopac codes are being changed to something
nonsensical. Could this be happening at the point of checkin or at a
public service point in any location? Please print any examples and send
on Wanda Rybak.  It is important to print the screen before you correct
the problem so that she can tell last time the record was updated. 

The next meeting is scheduled for September 2nd.