Berkeley Technical Services Discussion Group Meeting of Dec 5, 2007

Berkeley Technical Services Discussion Group Meeting

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

9:00am to 11:00am

303 Doe


1. Announcements

No announcements.

2. Systems Gladis Update / C. Takaro

B-Tech notes Meeting of Dec. 5th for the period Nov. 1st-Dec. 1st, 2007

- OCLC reclamation project: Order placed with OCLC for our reclamation.

Project specifications are nearly complete and only a few details, and a good bit of programming remain before we can start building the snapshot of Gladis to send to OCLC. The goal is to start producing the snapshot soon in Dec.

New copy of the DELETE server put in place that saves OCLC# from all records being deleted, so these can eventually be sent as cancel holdings to OCLC.

- OCLC/Melvyl pilot - Pathfinder OCLC # indexing: A major project has been to create a fresh copy of Gladis to create a new copy of Pathfinder (over 6 million records were produced) in order to index OCLC number in support of the OCLC/Melvyl pilot project. This new version of Pathfinder will go live later this week most likely. Also: Analysis and planning are underway for the Gladis side of supporting “request” and “circ info” from OCLC, as part of the OCLC/Melvyl pilot.

- TEMP barcode problem: Ran out of temporary barcodes (reached the maximum: TEMP999999) on 11/19. Modified Gladis to allow / create temp barcodes in new format: TE00000001 – TE99999999. Implemented on 11/21, GLADIS brought down to install this change.

In progress: ISBN indexing for longer ISBNs, 079 indexing

3. Withdrawal workshop / K. Ward, J. Weeks

-There were 2 handouts passed out, one for monograph withdrawal and one for serial withdrawal. The monograph document is a draft update based on the BPM and the Serial document was directly from the BPM. The URL's in the BPM for withdrawals are: and . Note: this workshop will not discuss withdrawals of electronic items. Important things to note before withdrawing an item were discussed. Nothing is withdrawn without selector approval. If the item has an NRLF barcode it cannot be withdrawn, a good faith effort needs to be made to replace it (persistence). Any NRLF items that are to actually be withdrawn also need to be deaccessioned. Items should never be withdrawn via Auto Circ. Records should never have more than one *cWITHDRAWN for any given owing location. Items should be taken off Reserve first before withdrawing. Erroneous holdings fields such as CIR, SUF or SHL's should be removed. Keep accurate statistics on volumes being withdrawn for annual reporting purposes. Kelly then went through some examples of withdrawing using Gladis Maintenance on a projector.

The importance of properly withdrawing items was discussed. Once the OCLC reclamation project is completed and our withdrawn holdings are removed from OCLC, it will be EXTREMELY important for all libraries to perform withdrawals properly so that the regular deletion from OCLC of withdrawn items can occur. Also, items that are not properly withdrawn can appear in Melvyl as though we still own the item. Since Melvyl is a shared catalog, it is important we accurately reflect what we own particularly for NRLF items. The same workshop will be given at the next CSG meeting. If anyone has any questions or needs more hands on training, contact Judith Weeks at

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