Executive Committee Minutes 4/16/97

     LAUC-B Executive Committee
     Meeting No. 1996/97 (9)
     16 April 1997
     9:00 -10:30 AM, 109 Moses Hall
     Present: W. Benemann (Secretary), R. Brandt, T. Dean (Chair), G. 
     Irving (CAPA), D. Jan, C. Lee, R. Moon, G. Peete, D, Sommer, A. 
     Swartzell, C. Tarr, K. Vanden Heuvel
     Guests: Gary Handman, Margaret Phillips
     Handouts: Agenda; APM-245 Department Chairpersons; distributed after 
     the meeting: Senate Committee on Library Minutes of 12 March 1997; 
     Memo from the Library Committees of Astronomy, Chemistry, Chemical 
     Engineering, Mathematics, Physics and Statistics to Academic Senate 
     Committee on Library; Results of the Final 1996/97 Library Materials 
     Budget Survey (ALA/ALCTS/CMDS).
     I. Minutes of meetings 1996/97 (7) and 1996/97 (8) were approved, with 
Minutes of meeting 1996/97 (Special) were referred back to the Secretary for redrafting. II. Nominating Committee -- Margaret Phillips The unopposed candidates for the LAUC-B Executive Board for next year are: Vice-Chair/Chair Elect, Andrea Sevetson; Treasurer, Beth Weil; Secretary, Linda Vida; Library Representative, Jack Von Euw; Affiliated Representative, Mary Young. The Executive Committee pointed out that there is a need for another Library Alternate. ACTION: Margaret Phillips will inform the Nominating Committee of the need to recruit one more candidate. III. Treasurer's Report -- D. Jan The Special Libraries Association has been billed to reimburse LAUC-B for SLA's half of the sponsorship of the teleconference "Positioning Yourself for Success." After we spend the alloted travel funds, we will have a balance of $23,000 for this year's operations, including the Copyright Conference. Attempts to provide an on-line version of the travel form encountered problems on the user end, where it was difficult or impossible to print out a usable form. Work will continue on designing an on-line form. ACTION: D. Jan will recommend to the new Treasurer that work continue on the development of a form specifically designed to allow on-line distribution. IV. Senate Committee on Library -- D. Sommer The Committee has discussed the faculty's response to the new policy enforcing the return of faculty-borrowed books. P. Lyman and M. Rancer presented a condensed version of the budget proposal for 1997/98. L. Litwack presented some of the issues that were raised by LAUC-B members during the meeting of 12 March 1997. A new subcommittee has been formed: Committee on Initiatives on the State of the Library, which will now appear as regular agenda item. D. Sommer provided LAUC-B Ex Comm with a copy of the Committee of Library minutes for 12 March 1997, as well as the report "Results of the Final 1996/97 Library Materials Budget Survey." ACTION: W. Benemann will make copies and distribute the documents to all Ex Comm members. V. Evaluation of term-limited AULs -- Gary Handman, Ginny Irving Ex Comm discussed the recommendations of the ad hoc committee chaired by Gary Handman. The suggestion was made to state explicitly that the review initiator and the final decision maker shall not be the same person. CAPA raised concerns about the language discussing professional activity, and the recommendations were amended to address those concerns. VI. The Committee on Research and Professional Development tentatively scheduled a wrap-up session on April 24th to discuss the Future of Librarianship series; however, conflicts have required them to reschedule for a later date. VII. The LAUC-B Spring Assembly will be held Wednesday, May 7th. VIII. During the Ex Comm meeting with Leon Litwack, Prof. Litwack
expressed an interest in having a LAUC-B response to the Library's
budget proposal.
ACTION: T. Dean will prepare a response to the Library's 1997/98 budget. IX. Follow-up on meeting with Genaro Padilla -- C. Lee
Vice Chancellor Padilla would like all incoming students to have a
tour of the Library.
The Teaching Library is attempting to respond to this request. The next LAUC-B Executive Committee meeting will be Wednesday, May 21st, from 9:00 to 11:00 AM, 119 Moses Hall.