Executive Committee Minutes 3/8/00

LAUC-B Executive Committee Meeting
March 8, 2000


Present: B. Glendenning (Chair), D. Farrell (Secretary), C. James, P. Janes, A. Sevetson, B. Sibley, B. Weil, A. Youmans

Absent: S. Calpestri, H. Morimoto, B. Ogden

Agenda; Draft Minutes; Results of Operations, LAUC-B; LAUC 1999 Spring Assembly Program and Comments; Emeritus Librarian documents

1. Minutes
Minutes of the February 9, 2000 meeting were approved.

2. Announcements
B. Glendenning: The laptop for CAPA has arrived and will be delivered to Bette Anton; University Librarian Jerry Lowell endorsed the Townsend Center announcement at Round Table; Cabinet Meeting minutes of 2/17/00 explains the administrative travel supplement distribution -- supplements of up to $400 may be added plus $200 for librarians attending meetings as officers, chairs, unit heads, or presentors.

C. James: The Affiliated Library Heads are meeting April 7 in Boalt Hall; they've selected Isabelle Sterling as speaker for the Spring meeting.

3. Reports
A. Chair: B. Glendenning reported on Systemwide LAUC Executive Board Meeting. Chair this year is Bruce Tipany of UCSB. Key topic of discussion at the meeting was two motions forwarded by SLASIAC: 1) archiving print copies of journals that are available both in print and electronic versions; and 2) the need for continuous strategic planning for UC-wide library collection (including regional library facility planning.

Selected SOPAG report topics: Government information initiative is going forward. SOPAG agreed to shared cataloging of digital resources, with UCSD doing the cataloging for CDL.

B. Treasurer: B. Sibley distributed the "Results of Operations" report showing the Vice Chancellor's transfer and a balance of $72,725.

4. Old Business

A. Emeritus librarians:
A. Sevetson presented documents providing information from the APM and other sources on emeritus appointments for Academic Senate and Non-Academic Senate academic appointees, highlighting the path a dossier travels for review and appointment with some additions and corrections, and the committee's ideas for privileges for emeritus librarians. These include, or could include, permanent library cards, ILS and email service, carrels, and access to subscription databases. One question is whether all full rank Librarian appointees are eligible for emeritus appointments, or just those that top of the series. B. Glendenning will find out. A. Sevetson will find out
the process for receiving a Doe Library carrel assignment. After further review next month, Ex Comm will forward a recommendation to the Librarian's Office.

B. LAUC priorities -- Overwork Cluster:
B. Glendenning led a discussion of overwork factors and impacts on librarians. One significant factor is the number of administrative and operational committee assignments (including local and statewide LAUC appointments). In addition to their routine administrative tasks in their units (sometimes not really professional librarian work), Berkeley librarians on average have 2 assignments to Librarywide committees, task forces, etc Another significant factor is the lack of campus and liblrary support and staff services, which requires librarians to attend to such duties as dealing with copier and printer installations; trouble-shooting faulty lights, bathrooms, and elevators; and untold hours and months spent reporting and following up on these matters. Ex Comm discussed possible roles LAUC could play to reduce the impact of non-professional librarian activites on the individual's workload. The discussion will be continued at the next meeting, along with review of the
Education Cluster of priorities to be presented by B. Ogden.

5. New Business
B. Glendenning asked ExComm to begin a discussion relating to implementation (with and without AFT acceptance) of the added steps to the librarians' series. The discussion will continue at future meetings. Issues include lack of consistency among a campus's annual CAPA committees as well as between campuses; the pressure the change will bring to CAPA; and the value of the broadly written guidelines which may foster lack of consistency but also give CAPA latitude to include librarians in a wide variety of assignments.