Executive Committee Minutes 5/14/03

Minutes – Meeting No. 9 – May 14, 2003


LAUC-B Executive Committee Meeting

May 14, 2003

10:10 a.m. – 12 p.m.

303 Doe Library


Present: M. Cochran (chair), A. Urbanic, B. Anton, B. Quigley, L. Cushing, M. Snow, B. Bohl (recorder), M. Mahoney


Absent: S. Koskinen, D. De Lorenzo




SLA Guidelines for Chapter Archives

Printouts of pages from the LAUC-B web site



I. Announcements


Lincoln Cushing has published a new book entitled: “Revolucion : Cuban Poster Art”, a look at Cuban culture and history through its posters. Lincoln will be giving a reading at Black Oak Books on Monday, June 30, 2003.


The LAUC-B Spring Assembly is scheduled for May 16, in the Morrison Library.  The guest speaker is Bruce Miller, UL, UC Merced. The LAUC Spring Assembly is scheduled for May 30, UCSD.


II. Reports


A. Treasurer’s Report – M. Mahoney


As of the end of April, there was a balance of $81,854.62 in the LAUC-B treasury.


B. Meeting with the University Librarian – M. Cochran/A. Urbanic


T. Leonard shared his views on the document regarding the Emeritus privileges. Privileges given to emeriti vary from campus to campus.


Other issues discussed included the LAUC Spring Assembly, and the Townsend Fellow applicants (5 applications were received). T. Leonard is encouraging everyone to attend one of the upcoming sessions on the budget.


C. Senate Library Committee – A. Urbanic


The Academic Senate Library Committee met on May 2, it was their final meeting for the academic year.

A subcommittee was appointed to perform a self review of the ASLC. The subcommittee, chaired by Elaine Tennant, concluded that this committee performed a valuable service to the Academic Senate and campus community, and should continue in its present form.


John McNulty’s response to the initiative to update the APM section on academic freedom has been forwarded to the Office of the President.

The proposed visits to the Affiliated Libraries have not yet been made.


Discussion of budget issues included the fact that a 10% cut in the library budget is becoming more likely, and that any proposed plan will probably include some lay-offs. It was suggested that library liaisons should be the conduit for budgetary information as it affects the library, and that they be urged to give periodic briefings to their constituency as information becomes available.


Charles Faulhaber reported on the University Archives. A proposal was made by the Berkeley campus to store both the Berkeley and Office of the President archival material at Berkeley. The proposal recommended that the University should hire a University Archivist and two assistant archivists. This report was sent to Atkinson, who has appointed a committee to review the Berkeley proposal. 


D. Candidate Lunches – B. Quigley


No candidate lunches were scheduled during the last month.


III. Continuing Topics


A. LAUC-B Archives – M. Mahoney


M. Mahoney distributed copies of the SLA guidelines for Chapter Archives for the committee to review. We will consider adapting sections of these guidelines for developing a policy of retention for material sent to the LAUC-B Archives.

· Action item:  M. Mahoney will contact LAUC-UCLA to see what their policies are, and will contact D. Farrell to see what statewide does with their archival material.



IV. Topics

A. Proposed Criteria for Establishment of Affiliated Libraries – M. Snow

M. Snow asked the committee for input on the “Proposed criteria for establishment of Affiliated Libraries.” ExComm reviewed the document and approved it to go forward to T. Leonard.

Maryly will write a cover letter containing a background statement on the history of the document, and forward the document to T. Leonard, the Academic Senate Library Committee and the ORU’s.


· Action item:  M. Snow will append a list of the Affiliated Libraries to the document and change the document name to “Guidelines for the Establishment …”


B. LAUC –B Spring Assembly – M. Cochran


M. Cochran discussed the agenda for the Spring Assembly and sent personal invitations to the new librarians. CAPA will give an oral report to the assembly. The Nominations and Elections Committee chair will announce the slate for the LAUC-B election. ExComm discussed the possibility of including guidelines to be sent with future calls of reports, so that committee chairs will have guidance as to the type of information to be included in their reports.


C. LAUC Fall Assembly


Berkeley has agreed to host the 2003 LAUC Fall Assembly, which is

scheduled for December 4-5. ExComm will call for a local arrangements committee to find hotels, arrange refreshments, and establish a web site for registration, etc.


· Action item:  A. Urbanic will send a message to the LAUC reflector requesting volunteers for the Local Arrangements Committee.


D. LAUC-B Web Site


B. Bohl asked for input from the committee on making some changes to the LAUC-B web site, specifically in making it easier to locate information on the Librarian Review documents.


There was some discussion on establishing a committee to review the web site design. The LAUC website is being re-designed so we may want to postpone any changes to the LAUC-B site until we can view the redesigned LAUC site.


·     Action item:  B. Bohl, B. Anton and B. Quigley will review the current pages and try to clarify the language on the site so that information can be more easily located.


E.  Schedule for Upcoming ExComm meetings


The committee is considering canceling the July ExComm meeting, as it is difficult to find a date when all members are available. We will consider the issue at the June meeting.



The next Executive Committee Meeting will be held June 11, in Room 303 Doe Library