Executive Committee Minutes 10/08/2014

LAUC-B Executive Committee

October 8, 2014

10 am – 12 pm

Room 303 Doe Library

Members present: Rita Evans (chair), Lynn Jones, Kendra Levine, Lisa Ngo, Jesse Silva, Elliott Smith (recorder), I-Wei Wang

I. Announcements

  • There were no announcements.

II. Reports

A. Treasurer's Report (L. Ngo)

  • Current balance: $46,285.00

B. Meeting with the University Librarian of September, 2014 (R. Evans, I. Wang)

The conversation focused on the Council of University Librarians (CoUL) meeting of September 4-5.

  • Storage at RLFs. Some ULs want to move ahead with RLF at Merced despite questions about access and logistics. First opportunity to weigh in on this will be at SLASIAC.
  • UC Libraries Systemwide Plans and Procedures. - The final, edited version should be available for distribution soon.
  • Federal Documents. - UC is working to build a single library of record from RLF collections that would be Library Use Only. CoUL hopes to ramp up efforts to work with Google to build the digital collection.
  • The new State Librarian, Greg Lucas, has met all UC ULs. A very engaging speaker, he’s on our side and knows that he doesn't know a lot. Tom encouraged LAUC-B to invite him to speak.
  • Shared systemwide ILS. Work continues to scope out what a shared, systemwide ILS would involve.
  • CSU Fresno’s Water Institute has a new website devoted to water.
  • ERIC - 500,000 reports on fiche in Tolman will be sent to NRLF.
  • APM revisions are underway. [Received from statewide LAUC 10/3/14]
  • A webinar series to foster communication was approved and will involve the SAGs. The first topic will be CoUL priorities and the webinar will be open to librarians and staff.

LAUC-B Funding

We told Tom that this has been discussed in several venues. TALAG observed that LAUC-B is being de-funded as a professional association. We said that asking our members to find the funding for our professional association is inappropriate. Librarians have never been asked to be involved in this sort of development/fundraising. Challenging us to display initiative in addressing this long-term is not helpful. If we can get LIBR on board, we asked if TL would work with LIBR to ask the Provost to reconsider.

In response, Tom reported that Elise Woods is trying to persuade her counterpart in EVC/Provost's office that rescinding the LAUC-B funding was a mistake. [After contacting Elise, we found this is not the case.]

There may be changes in the budget process which would involve earlier budget discussions beginning in November or December this year.

C. Committee on the Library, Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate (LIBR) (I. Wang)

UL Tom Leonard did not attend, but circulated a draft "Overview" document addressing Library metrics (including ARL investment index, gate counts, electronic resource usage, etc.), in response to certain concerns raised by the Commission for the Future of the Library report (the "Report"); the document also covered the impact of the funding provided pursuant to the Report. Jean McKenzie appeared by invitation to provide information about how the new collections funding pursuant to the Report would be allocated this year.

Committee members expressed strong concerns about several aspects of McKenzie's report, especially the fact that Bancroft and East Asian Studies do not share directly (other than the general 7% increase per selector) in the new funds because they do not participate in the selector group coordinated purchasing funds. There was also continued concern voiced over whether selector ranks are being filled as envisioned in the Report, and over the Affinity Heads positions. Several committee members characterized the new positions as including 12 or 14 positions that they view as, practically speaking, purely management (despite the Overview's change of wording from "Division Head" to "Division Librarian"). In connection with both the Overview materials on metrics and in general discussion, several committee members expressed concern that the Library Administration is making decisions about space and usage patterns without real or reliable metrics. Finally, a repeated theme was expressed over the wisdom of a "lame duck" library administration undertaking the current reorganization, and the belief that, like other library systems that have tried a structure similar to the Affinity Heads (Harvard was cited as an example), this will fail and have to be reversed. Committee member Michael Nylan (History) inquired (before the meeting) if LAUC-B would be prepared to address the issue of the AFT's three cease and desist letters regarding the library positions currently in process, and what Nylan and/or the committee view as the Library Administration's failure to address the AFT's and LIBR's concerns about the reality of the new positions.

LIBR's subcommittees - which have just been re-populated/chaired - reported on their progress so far. They are the subcommittees on:

  • Finance & Hiring (chair Gary Sposito, ESPM)
  • NRLF (chair Todd Hickey, Classics)
  • Open Access, Scholarly Communications & Digital Literacy (chair Tom Shannon, German); and
  • Subject Specialties (chair Margaretta Lovell, Art History), of which I-Wei Wang, LAUC-B representative, is now a member.

Last, Wang provided a very brief update to LIBR regarding the status of professional development and other funding for LAUC-B. James Midgely (Social Welfare) mentioned the faculty research funds as a possible source of funds to help with librarians' professional development; and Lovell and Sposito suggested putting a summary of the situation before the Finance & Hiring subcommittee.

Discussion: It was noted that Margaretta Lovell sent an e-mail to deans and department chairs to encourage them to meet with their subject librarians. Some selectors, who were not notified about the e-mail, have been surprised by invitations from their deans.

ACTION ITEM: I-Wei Wang will research who received Margaretta Lovell’s e-mail.

D. LAUC Statewide Conference Call of September, 2014 (R. Evans)

LAUC Statewide chair Matt Connor sees the professional identity of librarians as a key issue. The conference call primarily addressed the question of who should be a LAUC member: should membership be extended to staff who are not in the librarian series?

Also, five LAUC position papers were distributed for revisions to bring them up to date.

III. Continuing Business

A. Diversity Committee:

  1. Vote to adopt or accept Task Force recommendation

    Point of information: According to LAUC-B parliamentarian D. Rowan, when a report by a committee charged by ExComm is submitted, a vote can be taken on either of two options:

    Accept requires no further action

    Adopt means that the report’s recommendations are put into effect

    Motion by L. Jones: To adopt the Committee on Diversity Charge Task Force Report. Motion passes unanimously.
  2. Consider by-laws change to allow more than five members

    Currently the Committee on Diversity consists of five members: three from LAUC-B, and two staff. There is currently no provision for additional committee members. Terms are staggered, and there is a continuity issue.

    This issue will be addressed by ExComm in a future meeting.

B. LAUC-B funding after 2014-2015 (R. Evans)

  1. Chair’s message

    R. Evans circulated a draft of a message to LAUC-B membership on LAUC-B funding after 2014-2015.

    ACTION ITEM: After soliciting more revision input, R. Evans will distribute the Chair’s Message to LAUC-B membership.
  2. LAUC-B activities and programs

    R. Evans noted that in addition to $57,564 in professional development funding, the LAUC-B budget has also included:

    • Supplemental professional development funds
    • Professional development funds for non-represented members
    • Distinguished Librarian Award (biannual)
    • LAUC-B Conference (biannual)
    • Candidate and mentor lunches
    • Refreshments for Assemblies and member programs
    • Office supplies and equipment

    A discussion was held about the implications of the budget cutback, and strategies for action. As a first step it was decided to survey LAUC-B membership about LAUC-B activities.

    ACTION ITEM: L. Ngo and J. Silva will research the capabilities of different survey applications and will report to R. Evans within a week.

  3. CAPA Task Force to revise Berkeley Procedures (R. Evans)

    R. Evans noted that it was critical that CAPA has an approved version of the Berkeley Procedures for use in the upcoming Academic Review Workshop (Tuesday, October 28, 2014, 8:30-10:00AM, Education-Psychology Library, 2600 Tolman Hall)

    Some minor revisions were suggested. It was agreed that the outstanding unresolved issues relating to the draft Berkeley Procedures were not crucial for the CAPA Workshop, and could be revisited in subsequent ExComm meetings.

    Motion by J. Silva: To approve the draft Procedures for Review of Librarian Appointments, Promotions and Advancement and Administrative Review Procedures for Librarians Requesting a Reconsideration of a Salary or Promotion Decision with minor edits as discussed during the Executive Committee meeting today. Motion passes unanimously.

    ExComm wishes to thank James Eason for his dedication and service.
  4. Fall Assembly planning (I. Wang, J. Silva, K. Levine)


    • Topic: 2024sight, a panel discussion moderated by L. Jones on the question of what LAUC might look like in 2024: what it means to be a librarian, and how library jobs and job classifications are changing. Should the LAUC tent be expanded?
    • Date: Nov. 18 or 19
    • Morrison Room reservation and catering (E. Smith)

    A discussion followed about possible next steps to continue the conversation after the Fall Assembly.

IV. New Business

A. CAPA – vote on new member nominees (R. Evans)

Jean Dickinson, Margaret Phillips, and Michael Sholinbeck were nominated for three-year terms on CAPA.

Motion by L. Jones: To approve the nominations of Jean Dickinson, Margaret Phillips, and Michael Sholinbeck to CAPA. Motion passes unanimously.

V. Upcoming

  • Role of LAUC in communications from/about union
  • CAPA – nomination process for new members