Executive Committee Minutes 06/08/2016

LAUC-B Executive Committee

Monthly Meeting

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

10:30 a.m. – noon

Doe 303


Members: Barbara Bohl, David Eifler, Jeffery Loo, Michele Morgan, Jennifer Nelson, Emily Vigor, I-Wei Wang (Chair), Mary Elings (guest), Susan Powell (guest)


  1. Announcements (I. Wang)

    1. LAUC-B election results are final. Thank you to all of the candidates for their willingness to serve!

    2. Results:

      1. Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Brian Quigley

      2. Secretary: Samantha Teplitzsky

      3. Library Representatives: Susan Powell, David Faulds

      4. Affiliated Libraries Representative: Dean Rowan


  1. On-going Business

    1. 2017 Conference Planning Committee (H. Hatheway, M. Elings) 10:30

      1. Conference committee membership has been finalized.  The first planning meeting will take place in July and the conference theme will likely be related to visual materials in the digital humanities and its impact on campus librarians.

    2. 2016 Task Force on the Professional Status of Librarians at Berkeley (I. Wang) 11:05

      1. Task force composition was discussed. I. Wang will finalize the charge and establish the task force by the next ExComm meeting.


  1. Reports

    1. Treasurer (D. Eifler) 11:15

      1. Current balance: $62,394.

      2. As of July 1, 2016, two years' allocation of professional development funding will be available over the coming two-year period (instead of the usual one-year "use it or lose it" rule); details about PD funding will be communicated soon.

      3. The requested budget for the 2017 LAUC-B Conference was fully funded.

      4. We will be able to carry forward unspent professional development funding to next year

      5. The Library Leadership Team has requested clarification about the $500 requested for Affiliated assemblies. The matter is under discussion with the Committee on Affiliated Library Affairs and The Affiliated Library Administrative Group.

      6. An email explaining the budget from I. Wang and J. Nelson will be forthcoming

    2. Monthly UL meeting (next is on June 20) (I. Wang) 11:20

      1. Funding for Affiliated assemblies is expected to be a topic of discussion at the next UL meeting.

      2. Description to be included in August ExComm meeting minutes

    3. LIBR meeting – on summer hiatus, no report

    4. LAUC statewide conference call (J. Nelson) 11:30

      1. It was decided that, instead of moving exclusively to division rosters being maintained at the statewide level, individual campuses should have the option of continuing to update their own rosters (the issue before LAUC-Statewide was whether it would be more efficient/preferable to maintain a single roster on the statewide website).

      2. Julie Levefre is stepping down as statewide web master and Jerrold Shiroma from UC Merced will take over.  LAUC-B ExComm thanks Julie for her exemplary service on behalf of the statewide organization.

      3. Research and Professional Development Committee - Slides will be provided by the statewide RPD committee to each campus discussing application for professional development funds.  Berkeley’s local Research Committee will present this information to Berkeley librarians.

  1. New Business

    1. Transition Meeting planning  11:45

      1. The ExComm transition meeting is scheduled for August 24, 2016  - 10-12:30 pm