Executive Committee Minutes 03/25/2019

LAUC-B Executive Committee

March 25, 2019

9:30 am to 11:00 am

303 Doe


ExComm:  Randal Brandt, Marlene Harmon, Jane Rosario, Brian Quigley, Naomi Shiraishi, Kiyoko Shiosaki

Guests:  Jean Dickinson, Julie Lefevre, Stella Tang, Chris Tarr

Absent:  Gisele Tanasse, Melissa Stoner

1. Announcements

  • The next ExComm meeting is April 10.  J. Rosario and B. Quigley will be absent and N. Shiraishi will preside.

2. Reports

  • Treasurers (R. Brandt)
    • The current balance is $79,294.45
    • The LAUC-B budget for next year has been prepared and is ready to submit.
  • LIBR meeting (N. Shiraishi)
    • J. Mackie-Mason attended and explained the circumstances of the March 7 termination of Elsevier negotiations.
      • Library will closely monitor effect lack of access to Elsevier periodicals has on faculty and students.
      • Pointed out that Germany and Sweden terminated contracts with Elsevier 2 years ago.
      • Discussed options for obtaining articles
      • May reopen negotiations later.  For now, just wait and see.
      • Faculty generally supportive.
      • Access has not yet been cut off.
  • LAUC statewide conference call (J. Rosario)
    • Items to be discussed at March 28 Statewide Assembly at UC Riverside:
      • Committee on Diversity may change its name to include terms “equity and inclusion”.  Will vote on at Statewide Assembly.
      • Working on a statewide survey on diversity.
      • Position Paper Number 5 will be discussed at the Assembly.
      • Roger Smith, LAUC Statewide president, discussed UCOP working group on academic freedom. (“Working Group on Privileges, Protections, Obligations, and Responsibilities of Non-faculty Academic Appointees, in relatIon to APM-010 (Academic Freedom).
        • Working group may have draft ready to go to UC President and Provost soon.
      • LAUC Connect, a statewide mentoring program will be discussed at the Assembly.
      • Statewide Research and Professional Development Committee has received many grant applications.
      • 2020 Statewide Assembly will be at Berkeley
  • No meeting with UL.  Contact J. Rosario if you have issues to bring forward to J. Mackie-Mason.

3. Continuing business

  • Social Justice Metadata “strikeforce” charge:  update from CaMeL (J. Dickinson, S. Tang, guests)
    • Discussion of metadata bias, LC subject headings and alternative local subject headings.  
    • Discussed short video about Dartmouth student activism trying to    change LC subject heading “Illegal Aliens” to “Noncitizens” and “Unauthorized immigration”.  
  • Orientation for new librarians (J. Rosario)
    • J. Rosario - working on a survey for members who have been at Berkeley less than 2 years
    • Update from K. Shiosaki, Mentor Coordinator.  
      • LAUC-B matched 12 people in the last six months.
      • Challenges: It is difficult to understand which members are eligible to be mentors-- the LAUC-B roster list does not specify who are Career Status Librarians.
      • Suggestion made to include option to volunteer as a mentor on the form developed by the Nominations and Elections Committee.

4. New Business

  • Local elections (J. Lefevre and C. Tarr, guests)
    • Nominations and Elections Committee has a complete slate of candidates for the election.
    • Committee appointments are complete as well.
    • Online volunteer form for offices and committee assignments worked very well.  It made filling committee vacancies much easier that it has been in prior years.
      • Form can be filled out anytime and members can update their information at any time.
    • Operational transition from Webmaster to Nominations and Elections Committee.
      • J. Lefevre will work with committee to transfer operations over to the committee.

5. J. Rosario mentioned that LAUC Statewide is looking for candidates to run for LAUC President.