Compensation and Classification

Information about position classification and implementing procedures for classification on the Berkeley campus can be found in the Supplemental Personnel Policy 36.

All other documents, such as cover letter, letters of support, work samples, are not required.

Staff compensation is based on classification of position. Compensation information can be found at UCnet.

The Classification/Reclassification Process

There are several processes for classifying positions depending on the job title. Library Assistant positions are classified by Library Human Resources. All PPSM/MSP are classified by the Campus Human Resources, Compensation Consultant. Clerical and all other represented positions are classified by the Campus Human Resources Compensation Consultant.

For all positions other than MSP, three documents should be submitted to LHRD. These include:

  • Current signed, dated job descriptions with percentages of time assigned to major tasks including essential functions.
  • Former job description - this should be the job description that the position's current classification is based on
  • Current organization chart of the unit/department showing reporting lines and classifications

Upon submission to LHRD, the documents are distributed to the proper officials for processing. If approved, the reclassification is effective the 1st of the month following the month of submission.

For general information and information about preparing job descriptions, read how jobs are classified

For job specifications and evaluation tools, read:

Refer to the list of staff classifications in the Library to look up salary information in the UC Title Code System. LHRD also provides a subset of salary tables for Library Assistants, Supervisors and Professional 4s for quick reference.