The Affiliated Libraries Administrative Group (TALAG) Meeting of June 7, 2006

8:30 am - 10:00 am, Room 119 Moses Hall

Present: N Robinson (chair), R. Evans, S. Garbarino, F. Lester (guest), K. Vanden Heuvel, L. Castillo-Speed, W. Lowell, T. Huwe, R. Girill (recorder).


R. Evans announced both the retirement of Dan Krummes as Director of the Transportation Studies Library and that she will be Acting Director upon his departure.

N. Robinson announced that the Institute of Governmental Studies Library will provide limited services by appointment only from June 15, 2006 through August 18, 2006 due to renovations to the reading room.

T. Huwe announced that the Institute of Industrial Relations will have a 60th anniversary event on September 15, 2006. The day will include lectures and be open to the public.

N. Robinson announced there would be an OCLC Digital Archive demonstration at the IGS Library at 9:00 - 10:30 on June 20, 2006.

N. Robinson announced the following Affiliated Library representatives to various councils and committees:

R. Girill - Distinguished Librarians Awards Committee

J. Gallwey - Technical Services Council

L. Vida - Collections Council

F. Lester - Public Services Council

L. Castillo-Speed announced that L. Cushing’s position at the Ethnic Studies Library will end on June 30, 2006.

R. Evans announced that all three of the LAUC Statewide research grants were awarded to U.C. Berkeley affiliated librarians. The awards went to Paul Atwood, Maryly Snow, and Bill Benemann.

The minutes from the March 1, 2006 meeting were approved with revisions.

Priorities and Goal Setting for 2006-08:

N. Robinson stated that TALAG has been successful in improving communications with The Library and has sought to increase inclusion in the library community and visibility on campus by showing what affiliated libraries contribute. It’s time to become more proactive in communications and seek to partner in the areas of affiliated libraries’ strengths. Those strengths are deep subject expertise, strong faculty connections, and moving quickly into technological innovations to respond to core users and build specialized tools. A joint project with the library could be a new goal for TALAG.

W. Lowell suggested that faculty interactions could be explored with regard to online publishing and its role in the tenure process.

T. Huwe suggested reaching out to the new AUL’s and the CDL to partner with each of them.

W. Lowell suggested continuing to work on networking with the affiliated libraries on other campuses and having a library exhibit on “The Hidden Libraries” showcasing the Berkeley affiliated libraries. Both of these ideas could result in increased visibility.

N. Robinson indicated that the first step in partnering with the CDL is to identify key people to work with. The CDL is already trying to work with faculty. W. Lowell suggested a meeting with their project managers to find ways to work together.

Action Item:

Make connections to C. Eckman and B. Dupuis. Meet with them separately, Chuck first. Aim for a September date and invite him to visit some affiliated libraries in advance of the meeting. N. Robinson will issue the invitation. Potential topics for the meeting include working with the selectors in teams and partnering in collection development with the affiliated librarians sometimes serving as acting selectors.

NRLF Persistence Policy and Procedures:

There will be changes in the current policy because there is now one governing board. Depositing libraries will not be able to recall items to campus. Current “Restricted” materials will become “Building Use Only” and can only be used at NRLF. Non-persistent material can be “bumped” in favor of a persistent copy.

Microform Readers/Printers/Scanners:

N. Robinson asked about usage of these machines. S. Garbarino has one that is used heavily and will be getting a new one. Several others indicated using them too. The Library is ordering four new machines for use there. The idea of developing a group order for the affiliated libraries was raised.

Task Force on Custodial Collections:

L. Castillo-Speed is the affiliated representative. She said the Bancroft has too many collections to process and is planning to establish new criteria for transferring materials to them.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 am.

The next meeting will be Wednesday, September 6, 2006. Location to be determined.

Recorded by R. Girill

June 7, 2006

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