The Affiliated Libraries Administrative Group (TALAG) Meeting of June 1, 2005

Harmer E. Davis Transportation Library, 412 McLaughlin Hall.

Present: P. Atwood, L. Castillo-Speed, S. Garbarino, R. Girill, R. Heckart, W. Lowell, N. Robinson, M. Snow, L. Vida (Chair)

Recorder: K. Vanden Heuvel

1. Postponed final approval of the minutes from April 6, 2005 because we are waiting for confirmation on several items. Final approval will be via email.

2. Announcements:

2.1 Affiliated Spring Assembly

Former Chancellor Berdahl spoke. Brief discussion ensued about his comments. Discussion about the new ILS ensued (see discussion below at 4).

2.2 The welcome letter to Chancellor Birgeneau was sent. However, TALAG has decided that it would be beneficial to ask to meet with the Chancellor. T. Leonard suggested to Lily that since the Chancellor is very interested in promoting diversity on campus, she should suggest meeting at the Ethnic Studies Library.

2.3 A second letter was sent to Tom Leonard reiterating TALAG’s interest in having Affiliated Libraries’ records in the Integrated Library System (ILS) that may replace Pathfinder in the future. Paul Gray and Tony Newcomb, Chair, Academic Senate, Committee on the Library were copied.

2.4 Positive comments were made about having the LAUC-B candidate statements on the Web site this year versus in print.

2.5 Pathfinder
2.5.1 Revised language for Pathfinder has been incorporated into the new Library Orientation Leaflet and it makes clear that not all UCB library records are included in Pathfinder. 
2.5.2 In the Pathfinder section, When should I search Pathfinder, there is a link for “libraries not included”. This links to a complete list of all campus libraries including branch, affiliated and department libraries and indicates the main catalog for each library listed.

2.6 Exhibit for Centennial of 1906 Earthquake
There will be a 1906 Earthquake exhibit to mark the 100th anniversary of the seismic event.  Planning for the centennial is going on across campus and there will be two exhibits in the Bernice Layne Brown Gallery. The first phase of the exhibit, which will run from January  March, 2006, will be historical and will focus on the 1906 earthquake itself. The second phase will focus on more current issues regarding earthquakes. EERC Library, Water Resources Center Archives and the Harmer E. Davis Transportation Library will be part of this exhibit, which will run from April - June 2006.  There is still time to be included, if your library would like to contribute.

2.7 Disaster Planning
Linda will write a letter to Tom Leonard, asking to clarify what the Main Library's preservation department's role would be, should Affiliated Library need assistance. TALAG will also ask Barclay Ogden to give a presentation regarding disaster planning in the library context.

2.8 Affiliated representation on CDL Systemwide Committees
It appears that few affiliated librarians participate on any of the CDL systemwide committees. Linda will determine what the mechanism is for inclusion on these committees by conferring with Isabel Stirling and possibly John Ober.

2.9 TALAG Letterhead
Vida reported that we will be able to create official TALAG letterhead. She has registered our group with campus and will announce when all the details are finalized.

2.10 Public Services Security document from Amy Kautzman
2.10.1 Vida reported that she had read Amy's security document and thought it was useful and well written. Vanden Heuvel, who had been on the committee that wrote the document, pointed out that although it was written with the Main Library's procedures in mind, that much of it would be useful to Affiliated Libraries as well. Linda will send out the full text of the Security Manual for everyone's review.  There will be an Early Bird about this issue in the fall.

2.10.2 Service Animals
Vanden Heuvel noted that the Law Library has recently encountered the issue of Service Animals. Under both federal (ADA) and California law if a person states that their animal is a service animal, libraries may be required to allow the animal into the library. Under the current law, there are no special certification standards or training requirements for service animals.

2.11 ADA
 Campus is creating an ADA website that has maps identifying ramps, obstructions, etc.

2.12 Minimum Security Standards
Most Affiliated Libraries are making the necessary changes to meet the campus’ new security requirements. Heckart pointed out that the new web mail, while slower than Pine, works quite well.  There was discussion that the affiliated list appears to be attracting a lot of junk mail. Attwood will check to see if there is a way to prevent these problems. [Note: Paul has since learned that the Affil-Admin list is actually a reflector. He has since changed the Affil-ad and affil to a listserv.  All affiliated librarians have been resubscribed and he monitors and removes junk mail from the list so it doesn’t go to the list.]

2.13 Principal Investigator Status Grievance
Snow reported that the AFT had planned to file a generic grievance based on the language of the MOU. She also noted that the PI issue was on the table in union negotiations.

2.14 Bylaws
There do not appear to be any problems related to Affiliated Libraries in the LAUC bylaws.

2.15 S. Garbarino announced that the Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics Library is celebrating its 75th Anniversary in September.  An exhibit will be installed to commemorate the anniversary.

3. NRLF Allocation
Almost all Affiliated libraries experienced problems with their NRLF allocations again this year. Some of the Affiliated Libraries were unable to use all their allocated space because there were no more pick up dates available.  TALAG needs to figure out how to make sure all affiliated space is used each year.  Suggestions were that libraries be more proactive in finding out what their allocations are; in getting on the pick up schedule early in the fiscal year; and in sharing information about unused allocations with other Affiliated Libraries as early as possible. It was recommended that January would be a good time to make this information available.  It was also noted that libraries can apply for one time exceptions to their allocations.

4. New ILS
There was discussion of the importance of including Affiliated Libraries in whatever Integrated Library System (ILS) is chosen for the campus. Bernie Hurley has agreed to include an Affiliated Library representative on the committee that evaluates vendors for the new ILS. Vida has already sent a letter about TALAG’s interest in being part of the new ILS. Vida will try to schedule a meeting with the Academic Senate's Library Committee to emphasize the importance to scholarly research of having a single catalog for the entire campus.

5.  Meetings to arrange
5.1 TALAG would like to meet with Chancellor Birgeneau and Vice Chancellor Gray to discuss various Affiliated Library issues, including the potential purchase of a UCB Integrated Library System and the role Affiliated Libraries play in encouraging diversity in scholarship.
5.2 Vida will arrange the annual meeting with T. Leonard, possibly in November.
5.3 It was suggested that TALAG also meet with Laine Farley in the spring, perhaps have her speak at the Spring Assembly.

6. TALAG Annual Report
It was decided that TALAG should publish its annual report at the end of each fiscal year. Vida will prepare one for 04-05 and send it out for comments. It will get posted on the AFFIL web site when finalized.

7. Library and LAUC-B Committees
Vida and R. Evans will meet to determine recruitment needs for various committees. Vida will then send out a call for volunteers.

8. Next meeting is Wednesday, September 7, 2005, 8:30  10:00 am.

Location: IGS Library.

Meeting adjourned

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