The Affiliated Libraries Administrative Group (TALAG) Meeting of April 6, 2005

IGS Library, 109 Moses Hall

Present: P. Atwood, L. Castillo-Speed, S. Garbarino, R. Girill, R. Heckart, T. Huwe, D. Krummes, L. McLane, N. Robinson, L. Vida,

Recorder: Waverly Lowell

1. Approved minutes from meeting on February 2, 2005 (Krummes/Garbarino)

2. Announcements:

2.1 Affiliated Grid has been updated

- All agree the grid is great, much thanks to Paul Atwood

2.2 Affil Spring Assembly

- Paul Atwood reported that he has arranged for former Chancellor Berdahl to speak.

2.3 Cataloging e-journals follow up

Lily followed up on the issue of The Library Technical Services training her staff to help with cataloging ESL books and also with the issue of Library Technical Services staff cataloging one electronic journal so that The Library and ESL would not have two duplicate subscriptions. At this point there are issues that prevent collaboration from taking place despite its practicality and advantage for the UCB research community. Hopefully the subject can be addressed again following the upcoming Tech Services review.

2.4 SLASIAC document submitted

- Terry Huwe reported that the TALAG comments were submitted to LAUC and will be an addenda to the LAUC-B submittal. Dan Greenstein, the University Librarians, and Gary Lawrence at the Office of Systemwide Library Planning are looking forward to the responses. It seems faculty are mostly concerned with space and access. The response should go out this week to SLISIAC and the group for systemwide library planning.

2.5 Other

2.5.1 Huwe and Castillo-Speed reported that the UCB conference for scholarly communications focused on how faculty work. More than 100 people attended, most were faculty ( ). Topics included online journals, publications, and peer review.

2.5.2 Lowell reported that the affiliated libraries will be represented in the upcoming eBerkeley symposium.

2.5.3 Vida reported that UCB may receive an NSF grant to establish a national center for research in hydrology which will be located off campus. This will impact the WCRA.

2.5.4 Krummes reported that the Transportation Library looks fabulous as a result of its recent make over with its first new paint since 1963 and carpeting to cover its 70-year old linoleum.

3. New WAG implementation & other developments

Lowell reported on a number of issues addressed by WAG that affected the Affiliated Libraries.

3.1 Affiliated Libraries will be added to the Visitors page as subject specialty libraries.

3.2 There was a discussion about a new page for The Library Development Office. Lowell suggested that at the very least the Affiliated Libraries should be addressed; perhaps with a sentence reading something like to donate to an affiliated library please refer to that specific librarys home page. Wag agreed with this in principal.

3.3 All interested parties should look at the new Pathfinder, specifically the notes field which now provides a search feature for tables of contents.

3.4 Secure logins are being created, so all PINE users need to address this. Paul Atwood at WCRA said he would talk to Affiliated Libraries who used Pine and needed to know more about this.

3.5 GLADIS will be going through some security related changes. Only those Affiliated who use it for cataloging will require the changes to their computers. It will not affect reference use. To date the only Affiliated Libraries this will affect are Ethnic Studies and the Environmental Design Archives.

3.6 The Library is waiting to hear about whether or not UC will provide matching funds for an ILS. If the ILS came to pass, we would need to think about what we might have to live without.

3.7 As the new Pathfinder will soon be released, the primary job of WAG is nearing an end. It was decided to continue to meet monthly to handle smaller issues as they arose, and more often if needed.

3.8 WAG membership will turn over in July, a new affiliated rep is needed.

4. Integrated Library System (ILS) memo from T. Leonard

Discussion took place about strategic planning to insure the inclusion of The Affiliated Libraries in all aspects of a campus ILS. It would be important that a member of TALAG be included on the RFP review committee. TALAG decided to send a letter to Tom Leonard and maybe the Academic Senate explaining why it is critical to the research and teaching quality of the University that the Affiliated Libraries be an equal partner in an ILS.

5. Disaster Planning for Affil

Atwood reported that all affiliates have pieces of disaster plans and copies of the Library's disaster phone tree. The discussion included possibly looking for a collaborative grant for writing disaster plans for the affiliated libraries that would include shared resources and broader phone trees. It was also decided to invite Barclay and maybe Gillian Boal to meet with TALAG to discuss the Librarys Preservation Divisions relationship to the Affiliateds

6. 1906 San Francisco earthquake exhibit

Lowell reported on 2006 being the Year of the Quake in honor of the centennial of the San Francisco Earthquake. There is a planning group on campus developing a schedule of events for the year and a subgroup working on exhibits. This schedule will be distributed to TALAG when it becomes available. At this point there is a plan for two exhibits to be installed in the Layne Gallery in DOE. Exhibit 1 will be Jan-Mar 2006 and will focus on the 1906 SF Quake. While most of the objects to be displayed will come from the Bancroft Library, material may also be solicited from other libraries on campus. Exhibit II is less clear but will focus on current Berkeley programs related to earthquakes in some way. Again, we may all be tapped to contribute. More on this soon.

7. Letter to Birgeneau welcoming him to campus

It was decided to send a letter to the new Chancellor welcoming him to campus and informing him about The Affiliated Libraries.

8. Update on Affil Strategic Plan

Vida distributed copies of the results of the Survey of the Task Force for review. It was proudly noted that we were making great headway through the list. For Priority 1a it was decided that TALAG should meet annually with the UL in September. The group then determined that we should prepare a status report of the Results to date for distribution to the Task Force members, the Affiliated librarians and Library Administration as a way to keep it on the front burner. The next step would then be to review which items are still to be accomplished or otherwise dealt with, and develop a new list of priorities.

Next meeting: Wed., June 1st, from 8:30 - 10:00 am at the

Location: Transportation Library in McLaughlin

Meeting adjourned

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