Circulation Services Group Meeting of March 3, 2020

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2-3:30pm 303 Doe

Attendees: Blake Lindsey (Co-chair), Fedora Gertzman(Co-chair), Ellen Dario (NRLF), Rosemary Sallee (Pres), Brian Light (SSD), Vaughn Egge (AHD/ISD), Peter Soriano (EPS), Jen Osgood (AHD), Jenny Schuelke (EPS), Beth Shippey (EPS), Samantha Teremi (AHD), Molly Rose (ENVI), Peter Basmarjian (BUSI/SOCR), Erica Howland (ENVI/SOCR), Sophie Rainer (ACCS), Jenna Jackson (ACCS), Michele Buchman (LHS), Francis Francisco (LHS), Esther Gold (DMCS), Agustin Ramirez-Lee (ITS), Phylicia Mossieh (LHS), Sheehan Grant (AHD), Jenifer Carter (ACCS), Nancy Lewis (DMCS), Craig Alderson (SOCR), Paul Lynch (NEWS), Mark Marrow (ACCS), Paul King (ESL), Kristen Van Vliet (ILL), Eileen Pinto (LIT), Albert Chung (EAST), Michael Villarreal (ENGI), Lillian Lee (ANTH), Agnes Concepcion (EPS), Neda Salem (ESL)

  1. Introductions
  2. Announcements
    1. New generic circulation desk departmental passwords were given out; please make arrangements with Mark Marrow if you have not received yours.
    2. Reminder to leave public PCs on for updates - Only 60% of all public PCs have been left ON
    3. Welcome Erica Howland - new Night / Weekend Workleader for SSD; she will be based at ENVI
  3. Census information for libraries (Nancy)
    1. Census day is April 1; everyone fills out the census based on where they were living on April 1st
    2. Starting on 3/12/2020, all library “research only” and “full suite” computers will have a “COMPLETE THE CENSUS” link on Google Chrome incognito window
    3. There will be laminated printed census form and other publicity at each kiosk
  4. COVID-19 brainstorming mitigating spread options and operations continuity (Sheehan)
    1. CDC statement on Higher Education response
    2. Ground rules for discussion:
      1. Try not to freak out others
      2. Lets only share verifiable facts, try to REFRAIN from speculation
      3. Constructive solutions please
      4. Focus on what WE as a group can do to contribute, in concert with or wildcat to secure our spaces and colleagues
      5. Please refrain from just griping about state of affairs and MONOLOGUING.
    3. Plague mitigation:
      1. Centralized funding for and procurement for cleaning and hygiene supplies, via free stuff in Mailroom (e.g. masks (N95) works for smoke issues as well, alcohol wipes, clorox, etc.)
        1. Freestanding Purell dispensers?
      2. DON'T Hoard masks, or other supplies
      3. Normalize not physical contact greetings
      4. Regular cleaning,
      5. increasing deep cleaning and sanitizing in all spaces,
      6. more visual reminders for personal hygiene best practices
        1. Literature resources (e.g. signs etc,)
          1. Sign Stop the Spread of Germs
          2. Sign Stay Home if You are Sick
          3. Sign Don't Spread Germs at Work!
          4. Sign (TANG-UCB): Fight Colds and Flus
        2. Ensure handwashing strategies include washing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or using a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available
      7. Mindfulness about shared/passed resource spaces (e.g. circ desks, mail service, ref desks, etc.)
      8. CDC printout - post up
      9. Bring up at unit staff meetings
        1. Emphasize home planning and self-sufficiency for possible shutdowns or quarantines
          1. How to make own home sanitizer
        2. Develop a monitoring system to track staff absences due to the flu.
    4. Continuity of services:
      1. Send people home?
        1. From Establish procedures for students, staff, and faculty who are sick (with any illness) on campus.
          1. Establish procedures to ensure students, staff, and faculty who become sick (with any illness) on campus or arrive on campus sick are sent to their place of residence as soon as possible.
          2. Keep sick individuals separate from well individuals until they can leave.
          3. Sick residents of on-campus housing in communities with no identified COVID-19 and who are not believed to have been exposed to COVID-19 should avoid contact with well individuals while sick.”
      2. Work from home
        1. Pre-approved workflows/homework - document what people can do so you do not need to figure out on the fly
    5. Cross Training (librarians too)
      1. Discuss job sharing and coverage option in your unit
    6. Triage tasks: mission critical down to long-term projects
  5. Brainstorming feedback:
    1. Practice days out, drill practices…(Vaughn)
    2. Remote access to materials, Paging (michelle); additional scanning resources centralized and offered at small user points of use...
    3. SLEs may not be willing to pass on shifts if sick, offering the option to do make up work.
      1. ACTION: Ask up (PSC), can there be admin leave pay for those that leave shifts that might be lost if sick from formal “forced” closure/quarantine
      2. Share the campus short-term bridge loans options for students.
    4. What sort of not presently remote services could be adapted to remote access.
      1. Tiered based on severity of event.
      2. Transparency with direct reports about what may happen, how we will deal with it, how they can stay informed.
    5. Is there a moral hazard to providing resources for transmission mitigation? Will we be saddled with the obligation?
    6. Contingency: Outgoing messaging to VM for units to advise inquisitive users; sharing information.
  • Power outage preparation roundtable (Blake)
    1. This might be the norm every year
    2. A streamlined process with an expect a decision by an actual “schedule” when possible
    3. Have banners on the Library webpage faster?
    4. Note: You can call into your work phone and change your outgoing message
  • HR responsiveness roundtable (Blake)
    1. Caltime issues → phantom punch
    2. Transfers for WL pay
    3. No clear explanation or solution has been coming from Berkeley Regional Services (HR tickets)
    4. Problems should be compiled and sent up to Susan for traction
    5. Blake will create a document with student problems of what's going on → anyone want to work with Blake, please reach out

    Meeting Adjoined.