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Circulation Services Group Meeting – Minutes Tuesday, October 21, 2003

CSG Minutes - October 21, 2003

Present: Craig Alderson, Penny Bertrang, Jim Boydstun, Lauren Dexter, 
Joyce Ford, Cris Guerrero(co-chair), Jodi Henson-Myers, Maria Henzi, 
Brian M. Light, Marianne McDonald, Lea Mascorro, Ann Moen, Nga Ong, 
Emilie Ortiga, Madalene Rodriguez(co-chair), Patrick Shannon, 
Jonathan Thomas(recorder), Jutta Wiemhoff, Kim Wu

1. Announcements
At a previous CSG meeting a proposal was made to integrate reserves issues into the agenda 
of the CSG.  This suggestion was made because of the overlap of staff and issues in 
circulation and reserves.  Cris and Madalene consulted with Isabel Stirling about this 
proposal and it was agreed that every other CSG meeting would consist of reserves and 
circulation staffs, and the agenda would include reserves as well as circulation issues. 
Jutta announced that bids for phase three of NRLF were submitted.  There were problems 
with the shelving section of the RFPs for all of the contractors.  UCOP has decided that 
the bidding process should be redone, which will result in about a four week delay in 

2. Minutes from the previous meeting were approved.

3. Systems report
Penny reported that on September 16 a glitch occurred in the overnight run of the circulation 
processes.  No data was lost, but this resulted in no circulation notices being printed.

4. Access to the Gardner(Main) stacks and Moffitt Library.
Jonathan announced that beginning the first day of spring classes, access to the Gardner(Main) 
stacks and Moffitt for non-UC affiliates will be determined by the Doe Reference staff.  
The Privileges Desk staff will continue to issue library cards to non-affiliates who wish 
to purchase a card, or who have access to the stacks because of an agreement or other 
affiliation.  The Privileges and Doe circulation staffs will also continue to issue passes 
to UCB students who need one for entry. The reference card currently issued by the privileges 
desk for three months will be reduced to one month, and will not be renewable for one year.
Procedures and policies are being put in place by both the reference and circulation staffs 
to effect the changeover.

5. New NRLF procedures
Jonathan asked members of CSG to forward any comments they may have about the draft of 
procedures for campus libraries requesting non-UCB materials from the RLFs for use on 
course reserve.

6. Xerox changes
Jonathan described the details of the work of the photocopy task force.  An RFP is going out 
shortly asking for bids to assume the providing of photocopying in the library.  Xerox had 
asked to have their contract extended for another five years, but university policy requires 
that the contract be put out to bid.  The only things known for sure is that we will have 
fewer copiers in the libraries, every library will have at least one copier, and the next 
contractor will provide us will all new photocopiers.  Any CSG members who had questions or 
comments, can forward them to Mike Rancer.

7. Comments on Calnet ID
CSG members whose public computers have had Calnet logon put in place are quite happy with 
the result.  The members who spoke have noticed an increase in the availability of computers 
for our primary users and a decline in the number of problems with non-UCB users.

8. Limiting the number of books per patron
A discussion took place about problems caused by patrons who have a large number of books 
charged out, particularly as to the effect it has on CARS.  When a patron has a large 
number of books charged out and they go to billing, it creates problems for the CARS 
system, sometimes causing it to crash. The consensus was that an effort would be made 
to determine how much of a problem this is.  Marianne volunteered to poll the other 
UC campuses and find out what kind of limits they have on the number of books a patron 
can have charged out.  Penny volunteered to find out the number of patrons who have 
large numbers of books charged out, broken down by multiples of one hundred.


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