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CSG Minutes 4/15/03 2:00-3:30pm Moffitt 251

Circulation Services Group Meeting - Minutes                                                        
Tuesday, April 15, 2003
Room 251 - Moffitt

Present: Craig Alderson, Penny Bertang, Cris Guerrero(Chair), Lauren
Dexter, Norah Foster, Anne Gunnison, Jodi Henson-Myers, Maria Henzi, Lea
Mascorro (Recorder), Marianne Mcdonald, Ann Moen(Recorder), Nga Ong,
Emilie Ortiga, Madelene Rodriguez, Peter Soriano (Co-Chair), Jonathan
Thomas, Jutta Wiemhoff, Bruce Williams,

1. Introductions/Anouncements
2. Systems Report (P. Bertrang 10-15 min.)
3. Circulation Manual (M. Mcdonald 20 min.)
4. Minutes recording and approval guidelines(C. Guerrero 10 min.)
5. Universal Returns(M. Mcdonald 20 min.)

1. Introductions and  Announcements

a) There seems to be miscommunication between the Library and the
Cashier's office regarding the way electronic billing information from the
Library is processed in the Cashier's Office, and in the way the bills are
handled throughout the workflow in general- from electronic to paper form.

ACTION:  J. Thomas will call the Cashier's Office to find out what the
problem is.  Circulation Supervisors Group (CSG) will make this a future
agenda time.

b) P. Bertrang announced that C. Baz will be on maternity leave from early
July through November 1, and that J. Mitola and S. Williams will cover her
work during that time.  If you are having problems with the Gladis
Authorization form requests not going through, please refer them to Joe.

c) C. Guerrero asked that the first agenda item for "Minutes" be added on
to the Minutes Recording Guidelines agenda item.  This way, M. McDonald's
agenda items would not be presented back-to-back.

d) J. Wiemhoff asked if any units were receiving material from NRLF for
which they had no request on file.  She reminded everyone that Pathfinder
sends a confirmation copy of each submitted request in the NRLF Request
service to the unit's circulation e-mail account, which should be checked
daily.  If units have determined (after consulting with NRLF) that they
are not receiving a confirmation copy, they should contact Garey Mills in

e) J. Wiemhoff announced that NRLF has permission to replace their LA
III-Supervisor position

2. Systems Report - P. Bertrang

Gladis and Pathfinder now show the locations of ROSB, the Rosberg Room in
Doe Library. Records for GIAN, the Giannini Collection, were re-sent to
Pathfinder because many were not in Pathfinder.  Texts of MREF/DREF notes
were changed.

Because of the upcoming relocation of Astronomy materials currently in the
Math Library, which will move with the Physics Library into the Doe Core
in early June, in Gladis, Pathfinder, and Melvyl the location name has
been changed from "Astr/Math" to just MATH.

Gladis and Pathfinder now display NRLF items charged out to Institutional
IDs as "Checked Out from NRLF By ______:", rather than "Shelved In ____:"
which was confusing.

Gladis patron files will no longer display SSN's on the patron/edit
screen.  Only a few people with special Gladis privileges (mostly at the
Privileges Desk) will be able to access SSN information.  Foreign scholars
with SSN problems should be referred to the Main Library Privileges Desk.
Systems is in the process of reviewing with supervisors, the Gladis
maintenance, circulation, and patron file security level privileges that
Library staff members now possess, and will adjust as needed. This review
occurs on a regular basis, usually annually.

2. Circulation Manual:  M. McDonald

A 2-page handout with A MOCK-UP OF the 'Table of Contents' of the web
version of the Circulation Manual was distributed.  Everyone was asked to
provide URL links where possible, review the table of contents for
duplication, and give suggestions regarding which sections could be
changed, folded into other sections, or eliminated.  Much of the printed
material submitted during the recent attempt to update the manual will
need heavy editing.  Although a project of this size is very
time-consuming, Marianne wanted to let everyone know that it is moving
forward, and that she and Maria Henzi will work on it as time permits.

3. Minutes: C. Guerrero

C. Guerrero discussed how difficult it often is to get people to take
minutes, and stressed that people make notes brief, as outlined on :
C. Guerrero released the draft version of the minutes of the February 18,
2003 meeting to Allusers before this meeting, which was not the usual
procedure.  The group discussed this and all agreed that it is best to
follow the normal protocol.  The group as a body should approve the
minutes before they are sent out to Allusers, so that they will not be
perceived as coming from just one individual, but rather from the group.

Minute takers were reminded to send their notes on each agenda point to
the person(s) presenting that point, for correction and clarification,
prior to including them in the draft version of the minutes.

4. Universal Returns (Discharging System): M. McDonald

In 1998 former CSG Chair Rick Love sent out a proposal about all units
being able to discharge materials from any other unit on campus.  It was
noted that all units now are able to do this with NRLF materials.  If this
idea were implemented, it was suggested that a note in Gladis could
indicate that the material is "In Transit to ___ from (your unit)".

People mentioned that many UC campuses have a universal return/discharge
system already in place, as well as other major campuses across the
country.  Some people expressed the fear that some libraries would thus
have a larger workload, but other people testified that, from what they
have heard from other campuses that have this system, this is not the

The group was reminded that this proposal was discussed in the past, and
that the group had come up with several strategies.  People were urged to
review Rick Love's "Proposal for Universal Discharge", handed out at the
February 18, 2003 meeting.

People were reminded that they could sign up for the 'uc- circhead' email
listserv to see the UC-wide discussion on these issues.  Somebody noted
that UCB seems a bit "behind the times" on this matter.

One major concern was the length of time it would take for materials,
returned at a unit across campus from the owning unit, to reach the owning
unit.  In the past there were instances of materials taking a very long
time to reach their destination, especially if they were 2-hour reserve
items, for example.

The group decided to table this discussion at this time, it being already
3:30 pm, and to take it up at the next meeting on May 20, 2003.  At that
point the group could decide if it was an issue that should be taken up by
a subcommittee.

The meeting was adjourned a few minutes after 3:30 pm.
Next meeting is May 20, 2003  10:30am-12:00pm  @ 251 Moffit Library


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Last updated Thu May 22 15:32:05 2003 .
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