U.C. Berkeley Library Web

Circulation Services Group Meeting March 18, 2003

Circulation Services Group Meeting
March 18, 2003
10:30 - 11:45
251 Moffitt Library

Present: Ayana Bourgeois, Jim Boydstun, Norah Foster (Recorder), Cris
Guerrero (Chair), Lauren Dexter (recorder), Jodi Henson-Myers, Ann Moen,
Brian M. Light, Will Lynch,Lea Mascorro, Laura Ng, Kerry O'Brien, Nga Ong, 
Emilie Ortiga, Julie Piacentini, Peter Soriano, Jonathan Thomas, Nga Tran, 
Zachariah Veley, Jutta Wiemhoff, Bruce Williams.

1. Announcements / Introductions
C. Guerrero announced many agenda changes due to folks not at work today.

1. C.Guerrero announced P.Bertrang is out- no systems report.

2. M.MacDonald is out- no universal returns report.

3. Circulation Manual - C.Guerrero reported roughly 23 items need to linked 
to the existing manual and there are about 8 items which are ready to be 
linked, and more information to come at a later date when M.Macdonald 
returns. M.Macdonald and M. Henzi have been going through circulation 
manual material gathered by a previous group working on updating the 
Circulation manual and putting it on the net. We are hoping to continue 
working on the project of putting an updated Circulation manual on the Web. .

4. C.Guerrero reported that J. Piacentine, evening and weekend supervisor 
at Engineering has taken a position outside UC.

5. J. Wiemhoff also reported that Katherine Bracken has left NRLF.

6. N. Foster commented on the conscientious actions regarding the war -
comments included -use of CARE on campus for stress and a website for help 
in finding local actions.

7. Housekeeping: C.Guerrero asked about moving all CSG meetings back to
mornings, but some still preferred afternoons. Suggestion was made to
schedule AM and PM meetings at least 6 months ahead of time and send the
schedule to the circsup list.

8. J.Wiemhoff reported that the UC ILL's are in the process of refining 
policy issues and guidelines to allow requesting materials stored at the 
NRLF/SRLF for course reserves at any UC campus library. Some of the 
recommended policies are: only circulating material is eligible for loan; 
course reserves are not recallable; material will be lent on a "first come, 
first served" basis; and how to handle items that are in poor condition.

9. Jonathan Thomas reminded folks about the March 27th Circulation Heads
meeting and asked if any others wanted to attend to check the website and 
contact him.

2. Minutes from the last meeting
The minutes of Feb. 18, 2003 were held for further review through 3/20/03.

3. Stolen Books Policy- L. Mascorro asked for clarification of current
policy on stolen books. It was clarified that nobody was charged for
damaged/lost books from the Oakland Fire. This policy, however, is not
current and was only a one time exceptional event. There is a lost book
policy currently on the web and suggestions were made to use this same
policy with exceptions for replacements only made by the department heads. 
Suggested use of the CARS bills, as proof of costs for private insurance 
companies might be helpful to patrons. It was also suggested that a 
library-wide policy is best. L. Mascorro and A. Bourgeois are going to 
draft a written statement of recommendation to bring to the next CSG 
meeting to be forwarded to PSC (Public Services Council) for policy decision.

4. Reserves -G. Sacco-Trujillo spoke about the dormant reserves group and 
suggested two improvements: One suggestion was to keep the reserves
reflector up-to-date and also to include reserves discussions as needed
during future CSG meetings. She also informed us that a newer version of
ERES (electronic reserves) is being planned for the library.

5. Possible new agenda items/Misc.: A. Bourgeois suggested a new topic for 
next meeting: Supervisor logon -How to check out books from other branches 
/Universal Holding edits questions.
C. Guerrero suggested a topic- Invitations of dept. Visitors to CSG -
(e.g. Human resources- A. Franks , Staff development-S. Monroe).

6. We adjourned 15 mins.early to breathe the lovely sunny air.


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