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CSG Minutes January 14, 2003

Circulation Services Group Meeting- Minutes
Tuesday January 14, 2003
10:30 am-12:00 pm

Present:  Penny Bertrang, Ayana Bourgeois, Jim Boydstun, Katherine Bracken,
Cris Guerrero (Co-Chair) Maria Henzi (Recorder), Jodi Henson-Myers
(Recorder), Brian Light, Lea Mascorro, Marianne McDonald, Kerry O'Brien,
Nga Ong, Emilie Ortiga, Giulia Sacco-Trujillo, Claudette Smith, Peter
Soriano(Chair), Jonathan Thomas,  Zachariah Veley, Jutta Wiemhoff, Bruce


1.  Announcements/Introductions
2.  Minutes from Last Meeting
3.  LSO Report (P. Bertrang)
4   Updates from subgroups:
	Reserves Task Force (J. Thomas)
	Mentoring Program (B. Light)
5.  Security at Circ desks 
6.  State of budget and CSG (C. Guerrero)
7.  Faculty Privileges (J. Thomas)
8.  Misc.

1. Announcements/Introductions:

P. Soriano announced that he has decided to step down as Chair of  CSG.
Due to the hiring freeze which is now in effect, Peter has not been able to
fill the position that opened when Melissa Kincaide left the night/week-end
supervisor position mid-2002.  C. Guerrero will now be the acting Chair and
a call is out for a new co-chair.  We are sad to see Peter step down and
congratulate him on a job well done.  Thank you Peter!   Please send all
nominations and self-nominations to either P. Soriano,  C. Guerrero, or I.

J. Wiemhoff announced that construction of Phase 3 (that will house an
additional 2.2 million books) at NRLF will commence in October 2003 with a
projected completion date of Nov/Dec 2004.  Since S. Miller has been
heavily impacted by the planning and organizing of the construction,  Jutta
has been asked to take his place on the PSC.  K. Bracken will step in for
Jutta on CSG. 

J. Wiemhoff also announced that the expansion of NRLF request in
Pathfinder, now allowing patrons to ask for photocopies and web delivery,
started on Dec. 1.  The stats of the first month show that although
December is a slow month, web delivery seems to be the preferred delivery
option. So far the program is very successful and problems are at a minimum.

C. Guerrero reminded the group about past NRLF tours organized by the
Staff Development Committee.  J. Wiemhoff confirmed that the last two tours
were very well attended.  B. Williams suggested that the CSG take a tour of
NRLF before construction begins and look at the plans for Phase 3. 

ACTION ITEM:  C. Guerrero will contact S. Miller regarding a tour.

2. Minutes from last meeting
Minutes from last meeting were approved without correction

3. LSO Report (P. Bertrang):

A new version of the notice program has been implemented.  The only
remaining bill holiday is Jan  1-Jan 20.  

A duplicate patron load program was inadvertently run, which switched all
faculty and staff to the photo ID card.  A program was run to restore the
Library-issued cards for those faculty and staff who had not previously
transfered to the photo ID.

A large file of email overdue notices was inadvertently sent out twice,
resulting in patrons receiving duplicate overdue e-mails. 

UC extension patrons now have access to services in the same manner as
other UCB staff, students and faculty, depending on their loan privilege code.

Charis has formed a working group to help evaluate the new GLADIS circ
authorization forms for ease of use.  There is a call for volunteers.  G.
Sacco-Trujillo has already contacted Charis.

ACTION ITEM: C. Guerrero will e-mail Charis if there is a  need for more
volunteers.  P. Bertrang has since sent out an e-mail calling for a few
more volunteers.

Penny reminded everyone to notify her when a patron returns/pays for a
book(s) for which the invoice has been transferred from CARS to CUBS.  CUBS
bills are not automatically cancelled because they are not tied-in to the
CARS billing system.  She has to notify CUBS directly.

4. Updates from subgroups: Mentor Program (B. Light) Reserves Task Force
(J. Thomas)

Mentor Program (B. Light) The mentor group is still up and running,
mentor/mentee pairs are still being made. 

Future plans are to get together with the mentor group and select a

J. Weimhoff requested to know how many pairs have been made and who has
been paired up. In addition she would like to know what is working within
the group and what is not.

Chris suggested that Brian bring his contact information to the next
meeting so people are better able to get in touch with him.

Reserves Task Force (J. Thomas) B. Light inquired as to why faculty
members are blocked and billed at a faster rate. 

P. Bertrang explained that nothing is different, if a Faculty member is
sent to cubs they are manually blocked. She further explained that if a
book is recalled from a Faculty member and they do not return it, it is
important to contact the privilege desk in order to place a block. For
Faculty members the block is not automatic, it has to be asked for. C.
Guerrero noted that it is important for the unit head as well as the staff
to be clued in when such a block is placed. 

P. Bertrang needs to know when a book that has been sent to cars is
returned, as cubs cancellations are not automatic when the book is
discharged. In addition it is necessary to ask at the privilege desk if
bills have been paid through cubs. There is no way to get bills off of the
patron inventory for cubs the way you can with cars. 

For clarification purposes, J. Thomas will send out an email stating when
it is appropriate to block faculty. 
June and November are the months that cars does cubs transfers.

5. Security at Circulation Desks 

C. Guerrero proposed we table this agenda item until the next meeting
since the person we are most likely to call for information during an
emergency would be the evening and weekend supervisor at, and there is no
evening and weekend supervisor at main at this point.

There have been some issues regarding night and week-end SLE's having
access to emergency phone numbers.  The group was asked if any service
units have emergency contact numbers posted for use by SLE's.  If so, which
numbers are made available?  P. Soriano said his students have access to
the necessary numbers. 

Several questions arose as to which numbers should be made available, how
accurate are the numbers and who maintains the phone tree.

6. State of Budget and CSG (C. Guerrero) 

At the moment there is no offer for a verip, as we need experienced staff
to deal with all the new students. Library will take steps for general cuts
as opposed to arbitrarily cutting positions.

Trip program has worked in the past as well as library rotation opportunities.

7.  Faculty Privileges

The group discussed procedures used when a faculty member has overdue
recalled library material.  (Faculty and library staff are not auto-blocked
like other patrons are).  Some units contact the faculty directly and
request the return of material.  Other units contact the privileges desk
and request that the faculty member's privileges be blocked.  It's very
important to contact the privileges desk upon return of the material.  Only
the personnel at the privileges desk can remove  this type of block. 

ACTION ITEM: J. Thomas will have J. Ford send a message to the circserv
reflector describing what you should do to have a faculty members
privileges blocked and unblocked. 

8. Miscellaneous

P. Soriano asked the group if other people have experienced getting a
warning message that material is temporarily unavailable and can this be
fixed as it seems like a melvyl problem message

P. Bertrang suggested that this message could be due to a slow internet
connection or something related. At any rate she will try to find out the

K. Bracken asked if we have measurable standards and guidelines for
dealing with students. Do we depend on the student handbook from HR or do
we deal with standards and guidelines in-house.

J. Thomas would like this on the agenda for a future meeting, he will
send a questionnaire to circ serv.

C. Guerrero suggested we have somebody from staff development or HR come
to a future meeting and talk to the group about guidelines.

The meeting was adjourned.


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