U.C. Berkeley Library Web

CSG Minutes 11/19/02

Circulation Services Group Meeting - Minutes
Tuesday, November 19, 2002
Room 251 Moffitt

Present: Craig Alderson, Penny Bertrang, Jim Boydstun, Ayana Bourgeois, Katherine Bracken
(Recorder), Lauren Dexter, Meredith Fleming (Recorder), Norah Foster, Cristian Guerrero
(Co-Chair), Jodi Henson-Myers, Maria Henzi, Brian Light, Will Lynch, Marianne McDonald,
David MacFarland, Lea Mascorro, Joseph Mitola, Ann Moen, Kerry O'Brien, Nga Ong, Emilie
Ortiga, Caitlin Richardson-Royer, Claudette Smith, Peter Soriano (Chair), Jonathan Thomas,
Zachariah Veley, Jutta Wiemhoff, Bruce Williams, Kim Wu


1. Announcements
2. Revised NRLF Request Form (J Thomas)
3. Reserves Task Force Update (J Thomas)
4. Systems Report (P Bertrang)
5. Gladis Accounts (J Mitola)
6. Setting Pickup Location for NRLF Material (J Wiemhoff)
7. Student Employees During Nights and Weekends (C Alderson, C Guerrero)

1. Announcements

- The Mentor program has started. There are more mentees than mentors, so more volunteers
are needed. If you are interested in being a mentor, please contact B Light.

- Earth Sciences has new manual charge cards. There is now a line for the patron's e-mail
address, which Earth Science finds essential in contacting patrons. L Dexter contacted C
Dinnean (Graphic Office), who made the change to the cards.

- M McDonald asked which libraries would be open on the 23rd. Hours of opening should be
sent to L Foster.

- P Soriano thanked C Alderson and J Thomas for producing the last set of minutes so
quickly. The minutes were approved with no corrections.

- Moffitt has two new after-hours book chutes. M Fleming reminded everyone that these will
be locked while Moffitt is open.

- P Soriano informed all that Sonya Crooms is the new Head of Security at Doe/Moffitt. The
position of Night and Weekend Supervisor at Main has been posted.

2. Revised NRLF Request Form

NRLF Request for web document/photocopy delivery will go live on December 1st. J Thomas
distributed copies of the guidelines for this service, which should be used to answer patron
queries. Patrons will be limited to 5 articles per day. There is a 35 page limit for web
delivery articles so as to keep the pdf file a reasonable size. The limit for photocopies is
50 pages. All these limits will be monitored manually by NRLF.

3. Reserves Task Force Update 

J Thomas reported that the Reserves Task Force had identified about 15 issues. A report for
P Iannuzzi and L Leighton will be ready in January.

ACTION ITEMS: J Thomas is to send out the list of issues so that there will be an
opportunity to comment before the report is submitted. J Thomas is to send out the link to
the minutes of the Reserves Task Force meetings. (Link :
http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/Staff/Admin/Reserves/ )

4. Systems Report

There were no system changes made since the last meeting that related to circulation.

The discussion continued about whether or not to suppress circulation notices after holidays. 
P Bertrang noted that the number of postcards produced has been reduced because of the
popularity of e-mail notices. This means that there are no limitations caused by printing
issues. It was agreed that the suppression of circulation notices was no longer necessary.

ACTION ITEM: Starting in January 2003, circulation notices (overdues, autoblocks) will not
be suppressed during the first week in January.

The problem of neither the owning nor the reserve unit being able to fine a patron for an
overdue reserves book, which is on reserves at a location other than owning, was discussed.

ACTION ITEM: P Bertrang to investigate this and see if a change can be made to allow one of
the units to bill.

5. Gladis Accounts

J Mitola distributed documentation on the changes to the GLADIS Autocirc Account Request
Form. The form has been made more interactive by using hyperlinks and pop-up windows. Text
in red will alert the user about special instructions and new wording has been used to
explain and clarify various options. The form should be viewed using Internet Explorer as
viewing it in Netscape may cause problems with the popup windows.  There is a separate form
for the GLADIS Maintenance Account, which is also being redesigned.

C. Takaro sent an e-mail out looking for volunteers from the Circulation Services Group and
the Berkeley Technical Services Group to form a working group, which would test the forms
and offer suggestions about making them easier to fill out.
The new versions of the forms are up and can be viewed at: 




A password change form is also being worked on. It is recommended that passwords are changed
every six months and it will be required that the password be changed every year. There will
be an automatic warning one month before the password will expire.

6. Setting Pickup Location for NRLF Material 

J Wiemhoff stressed the importance of setting the pickup location for NRLF material.  If the
location is not set, the system assumes that the patron wants to pick up the item at the
owning unit. This will result in a UCB patron receiving a notice that they need to collect
their book in UC Santa Cruz, for example. NRLF will check the patron record for the campus
affiliation before sending a recalled book to a non-UCB library. If the patron is a UCB
patron, NRLF will:

(a) discharge the book
(b) charge it to trt-Main 
(c) place a hold for the patron with loc=MAIN (Main is the default pickup location)
(d) send book to MAIN with a note to the circulation staff about the hold.

To correctly set the location, type hold  loc= 

ACTION ITEM: P Bertrang to investigate whether Gladis can give a warning message if the
location is not set when placing a hold on an NRLF book.

7. Student Employees During Nights and Weekends

There was a question raised on the circulation services reflector about what resources are
available for student employees during nights and weekend hours and whether a new list needs
to be created for them. After further discussion, the general consensus was that there are
already existing resources and each library should have their own individual list of
contacts to share with all their employees. If they have not done so, each unit needs to
talk to their building coordinator to find out who is their campus liaison with security. M
Fleming gave details of various security resources that could use be used. These telephone
numbers can be found at:



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