U.C. Berkeley Library Web

Minutes Circulation Services Group Meeting, June 19, 2001

Minutes of June 19, 2001

Present: Chanda Beck, Penny Bertrang, Ayana Bourgeois, Lily Castillo-Speed,
Meredith Fleming, Cris Guerrero, Susie Hanna, Maria Henzi, Brian Light, Lea
Mascorro, Marianne McDonald, Joe Mitola, Ann Moen (recorder), Laura Ng, Bella
Shirman, Peter Soriano, Jonathan Thomas, Jutta Wiemhoff (chair), Bruce Williams,
Caralee Witteveen-Lane

Guests: Pam Daniels, Tonette Mendoza (both from Technical Services)

Action Item Summary:

· Peter will send Tonette and CSG the URL for the CARS manual, plus Giulia
Sacco-Trujillo's RFR document.

· Peter will send to CSG a shortened version he made of the document,
"Faculty/Staff ID Implementation, Phase II: Activating new photo ID and
transferring charges from existing ID's."

1. Introductions
Lily Castillo-Speed, Ethnic Studies Library, is attending the CSG meeting as a
representative of the Affiliated Libraries. CSG welcomed first-timer Maria Henzi,
who started work yesterday, June 18, at the Business Library.

2. Minutes from Last Meeting
Minutes from last meeting were approved with a correction to agenda "#5.
Reference Card Issue." The following bracketed note was added for clarification:
"[Note: As the e-mail mistakenly refers to the "Doe/Moffitt complex,"  it was
pointed out that this should be changed to correctly reflect the Doe circulation
department only]."

3. Replacement procedure for replacements billed on CARS - Pam Daniels, Tonette
Pam started the presentation, saying that this document has been three years in
the making. Tonette wants to fine-tune it and eventually add the document to the
Berkeley Processing Manual. As she sees many different variations of the
replacement procedures being done throughout the libraries, Tonette would like to
find out how circulation staff prepare for replacements. Ideally, the document
should include the procedures set up by the subject specialty libraries, which
may need to be written up separately. Tonette's main focus is on the back-end,
post-procedural work, after the replacement copy has been obtained. She
emphasized that it's important to avoid duplication and incomplete work. In the
attached document under "MAIN Exact Edition Replacements,"  numbers 1, 2, 3, 4
should be the same procedure as for the subject specialty (formerly 'branch')
libraries.  Tonette will soon be training other Technical Services staff to do
this work, and the goal is to centralize functions and standardize procedures.

Penny pointed out that statement #3 - "In order to proceed the item will have had
to be either RFR'd or discharged before proceeding to withdraw…" - needs
clarification.  An item can only be discharged to reimburse a patron who has paid
a bill.  If a patron returns the item they paid for, the item needs to be DCF'd
from the patron's inventory.  If the item is in CUBS for collection, however, it
is OK to discharge it as the patron will still end up paying for it. If
"discharge" remains an option, this should all be made clear. 

Tonette works only on items that were already RFR'd, as done by MAIN. It was
pointed out that patrons can bring in an exact replacement copy to replace the
lost item and no billing will be done, except for possible binding charges.  
Sometimes, selectors may even accept another edition to replace the missing copy.  
The current procedures, however, pertain only to exact edition replacements and
not different editions. Although "copy 2's" are not accepted as replacements for
MAIN books, Tonette assured circulation staff that heavily circulated items would
be retained.  Meredith suggested to establish a procedure concerning items
missing over two years, since a 'hold' cannot be placed on a billed (missing)
item.  Bruce pointed out that procedures should be standardized so everyone is
doing the same thing.

Tonette will incorporate changes suggested by CSG in the "Replacement Procedure
for Replacements Billed on CARS" document and re-send it to CSG for review.  
Then Pam will look at the document and make suggestions. The final draft of the
document will be reviewed at the Technical Services Discussion Group's meeting,
so that it can be posted on the web.

As a footnote, Jutta mentioned that it may helpful to collect and summarize all
existing documentation on billing, CARS, CUBS, RFR, etc. and post it on the web,
maybe as a sort of "Billing Manual" or "CSG 'FAQ's". Penny, Peter, Bruce, and
Jutta volunteered to follow up on this.

ACTION: Peter Soriano will send Tonette and CSG the URL for the CARS manual, plus
Giulia Sacco-Trujillo's RFR document.

4. Impressions UC Circheads Meeting April 6th - All  
Jutta asked attendees about the discussions they participated in; if the meeting
was worthwhile (and how); and if the meeting is heading toward particular

Chanda found the meeting was very worthwhile.  Although larger units might
benefit more from these meetings, it was good to see how other campuses do
things, and particularly valuable to hear about student library employee training
programs.  Peter got a lot out of the meetings, but found a more informal
approach (such as talking with people during breaks, meals, etc.) to be more
efficient.  He suggested attending the pre-meeting dinner party as a way to
solicit the most information.  He added that the agenda was too full, and many
people missed being able to participate in both break-out sessions when they were
scheduled simultaneously. Laura pointed out that at times Main Circ people were
addressing issues that did not necessarily apply to subject specialty library
staff, and it was difficult to follow the discussion.  Brian found the meeting to
be very informative, especially in seeing how the different UCs work, and seeing
where UCB fits in the system.  Ayana liked putting faces to known names, and
appreciated talking to UCB circheads in a relaxed atmosphere.  Since it appears
that everyone at UCB does things differently from library to library, she felt
MAIN should set the tone.

5. Ideas for a Mentor Program for New Circ Staff - Jutta Wiemhoff
The issue of addressing the training needs of new circulation staff surfaced in
many different (informal) discussions in the past months. The idea to develop a
Mentor Program seems to be a workable solution. A show of hands confirmed that
everyone at the CSG meeting agreed that it is time to begin the work on this
issue. "New Circ Staff" can be employees new to the UCB campus, staff from
another department within the campus, or staff from another unit within the

To start the discussion process, Jutta asked "What makes a good mentor?" and
"What would a mentoring program include?" She invited group members to call out
ideas which were listed on large sheets of paper on the wall. As a next step, the
Mentor Program subcommitte was formed: members are Meredith Fleming, Brian Light,
Marianne McDonald, Peter Soriano, and Caralee Witteveen-Lane. The group agreed to
choose a subcommittee lead and report on their work progress on a regular basis,
so that CSG members can participate in the discussion and documentation process.  
Jutta's feeling was that it's important to receive formal recognition for this
function and include it in the job descriptions and performance appraisals of
those who will eventually volunteer to be mentors She hopes that CSG will come up
with a final document to forward to PSC for review, and to Roundtable and Admin
for endorsement.

Marianne asked about inviting 'Guest Lecturers' to give CSG training sessions,
either as part of the meeting or separately.  This will be an agenda item for the
July 17 meeting [Note: The July meeting was postponed to July 24th].

6. LSO Report - Penny Bertrang
Penny announced that email notices have been implemented for a volunteer group of
patrons, and that the 'block' stage will soon generate email. She noted that
libraries can put their full and complete name into email notifications, if

Any circulation point can do the TRANS command which allows the transfer of
privileges and circ records from the old library card to the new.  It still takes
up to 30 minutes or so for the new card to be activated, so let patron know that
they cannot check out books, etc., for that period of time.  Only the privilege
and inventory transfers: not the address, email, etc.

It is OK to transfer all old 'lost' cards/records onto the new card; just do one
transfer (one card) at a time.  If there is any piece of information missing that
will not allow the transfer, send the patron to the Service Desk in the Main
Stacks.  If the message "Address needs editing" comes up (for regular UCB staff
usually), fill out a change of address form to update their email address and/or
e-mail status and send it to the Service Desk or refer patron to the website so
he/she can do the update him/herself:  

ACTION: Peter Soriano will send to CSG a shortened version he made of the
document, "Faculty/Staff ID Implementation, Phase II: Activating new photo ID and
transferring charges from existing ID's."

Next meeting: July 17 [postponed to July 24].


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