U.C. Berkeley Library Web

Minutes Circulation Services Group Meeting, May 22, 2001

Minutes of May 22, 2001

Present:  Penny Bertrang, Ted Couch, Michelle Goode, Brian Light, Marianne
McDonald, Laura Ng, Madalene Rodriguez (recorder), Amy Russell, Giulia
Sacco-Trujillo, Peter Soriano, Isabel Stirling, Nga Tran, Jutta Wiemhoff (chair),
Bruce Williams & Caralee Witteveen-Lane

Guests: Lorelie Mansur, Joe Mitola,  Jonathan Thomas

1. Introductions
The group welcomed Jonathan Thomas, new Head of Doe/Moffitt Circulation, Joe
Mitola, the new Operations Assistant in LSO, and Ted Couch from Astr/Math, who
joined the group for the first time (for Bella Shirman).

2. Announcements
· Penny introduced Joe and gave a general overview of his responsibilities in the
  Systems Office.
· Bruce mentioned that the first part of East's barcode project is completed.
· Jutta announced that NRLF's Access Services department filled two vacant
  Library Assistant positions.
· Jutta will forward information to the circ serv email reflector about a 
  workshop sponsored by the Employee Development & Training Program. This course,
  "Customer Service Excellence for Supervisors" held on June 4th, may be of
  interest to public service staff.
· Jutta announced that CDL Request services will allow requesting of material
  held by Special Collections Units. This service, currently in testing mode, is
  expected to be turned on at the end of May or beginning of June.

3. Minutes from last meeting were approved with minor changes.

4. E-Mail Notification - Lorelie Mansur  
The test phase of the E-Mail notification service was launched yesterday, May 21.
During this test, library staff and faculty and student volunteers are being
asked to sign up for this service on the web at the following url:
http://sunsite2.berkeley.edu/patronupdate/. Lorelie mentioned that many faculty
members have already signed up and she encouraged circ staff to do so, as well.
Lisa Weber has added a web link to the Library home page under "What's New."

As far as technical preparations are concerned, she pointed out that setting up a
second Eudora e-mail account on a PC is more complicated than anticipated, and
she suggested that units let LNWS staff take care of this. Currently, the plan is
for the E-Mail notification service to go "live" for all patrons by the fall
semester 2001. PSC members are considering various ways of advertising, i.e.
bookmarks, article in the Berkeleyan and possibly Daily Cal. Postcards that will
be sent out in the late summer to notify patrons of this service will also invite
them to correct their e-mail address. Lorelie emphasized the importance of
attending to patrons' e-mail replies, e.g., giving patrons directions for
renewing books on GLADIS if they request that the library renew their overdue
material. The workgroup will create generic text that all units can use to
respond to such requests. As concerns were raised that these additional e-mail
responses may impact the units' workloads, it was suggested to set up a special
fall date in which problems that may have developed by then can be addressed.
Isabel added that PSC would definitely work with circ staff on this issue.
Lorelie invited staff to e-mail her questions and suggestions that she could
include in the "FAQ" list she is currently compiling.

5. Reference Card Issue (conclusion) - Jutta Wiemhoff
The group briefly discussed Brian's e-mail message to CSG on 5/17/01, in which he
summarized the issue and made a suggestion for a possible compromise. [Note: As
the e-mail mistakenly refers to the "Doe/Moffitt complex,"  it was pointed out
that this should be changed to correctly reflect the Doe circulation department
only.] Then each person in attendance voted on which of the options they
preferred. The following two recommendations did get the most votes:
1) Note: Reference Card, Check Policy
Adding this note to each patron record so that it displays in both the "charge"
and "find patron" screen would alert circulation staff immediately to the user's
library privileges. Staff can then proceed in accordance with their unit's
guidelines and procedures.
2) Change "Same Day Loan" message in Gladis to 2 Hour Library Use.
Jutta will draft the memo to PSC and send it to the circulation staff for review.  
After incorporating suggestions and corrections, she will forward the final
version to the Public Services Council.

6. NRLF Request - Jutta Wiemhoff
Jutta gave a brief overview of the NRLF Request service in Pathfinder. This
on-line request service will initially allow the requesting of books and journal
volumes only. Once NRLF has expanded their delivery capacity, it will allow
requesting of both photocopies and electronic copies of journal articles. Patrons
can request that items be delivered to a pickup location they specify. An e-mail
confirmation copy of each request is sent to the patron's e-mail account, as well
as to the pickup location. If a patron requests that a non-circulating item be
delivered to a location other than the owning unit, NRLF will handle these
requests as usual: the item will be sent to the owning unit; patron, specified
pickup location, and owning unit will be notified. Jutta encouraged circ staff to
test this service at url: http://sunsite2.berkeley.edu:4020/ and report the
problems they encounter (Note: On June 4th, the NRLF Request Service has gone

7. GLADIS Autocirc Security - Joe Mitola
Joe suggested that units change the password on their generic GLADIS autocirc
accounts on an annual basis. (Note that it is not necessary/desirable to change
the account initials, just the password.) He is in the process of creating an
online form for this purpose. July 1st is the deadline for units to change their
password before the system does it automatically. Joe reminded circulation staff
that it's fine for units to use generic (shared) accounts for basic GLADIS
autocirc, but it is policy to not share individual (personal) GLADIS accounts and
warned not to use program keys for Gladis logons. He asked that everyone use the
simplified request form for password changes installed on the web site. Requests
for changes to already existing accounts can be accessed at url:

8. LSO Report - Penny Bertrang 
A copy of the report was given to recorder.  Penny briefly went over each item
they have worked on.  She announced Joan Gatten as the new person updating help
screens in GLADIS. Send requests for changes to GLADIS help screens to her when

The projects mentioned in the LSO report include the beginning of e-mail notices
(for a test population of patrons) and a number of projects to change various
displays in GLADIS and Pathfinder (for materials belonging to GRDS, materials
belonging to OPTO or HEAL, and of PROMPTCAT materials).

The next meeting is scheduled for June 19th.


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Last update Mon Jul 9 8:43:04 2001.
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