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Minutes Circulation Services Group Meeting, November 20, 2001

Circulation Services Group Meeting Minutes -- November 20, 2001

Present: Alison Altstatt, Chanda Beck, Penny Bertrang, Ayana Bourgeois (recorder), 
Meredith Fleming, Norah Foster, Maria Henzi, Melissa Kincaid, Brian Light, 
Will Lynch, Lea Mascorro, Marianne McDonald, Julie Piacentine (recorder), Peter Soriano, 
Jonathan Thomas, Nga Tran, Jutta Wiemhoff (chair), Kim Wu.

Guest:  Nick Robinson, Public Health


1. Announcements/Introductions
2. Minutes from Last Meeting
3. LSO Report 
4. DHS Patrons 
5. Feedback from the "Basic Supervision Laboratory" Workshop 
6. Update Mentoring Program Subgroup 
7. Kronos Guidelines 
8. NRLF Request Service on Pathfinder - How's it going? 

1. Announcements / Introductions

Will Lynch, new circulation supervisor at Environmental Design, was introduced to the
group as was Nick  Robinson from Public Health.  Jonathan announced that another Circulation 
Services User's Manual subgroup meeting is soon to be called. Jutta asked circ staff to 
remind patrons at the subject specialty libraries that they may use the NRLF Request 
Service via Pathfinder to request material from storage for the weekend delivery
to MAIN. Requests have to arrive at the NRLF by 5:00 P.M. on Fridays. Patrons must 
select MAIN as the pickup location. Limited circulation items owned by units other than 
MAIN will be sent with the regular Monday shipments to the respective owning unit. Brian 
posed a question whether the proxy charge information on the e-mail circulation notices 
appears in the same manner as on the circulation postcards. (A November 26th email from 
Eileen Pinto sent to the CSG reflector confirms that it does.)  Penny clarified that 
notices always go to the patron who has the book checked out, not the proxy card holder.  
Send email to Peter and Penny  in the event that no Gladis record exists for a borrower. 
Peter asked the group whether circulation staff are using the "set pref yes / no" command 
on Gladis.  This was confirmed. Jutta moved to change the structure of the chair of the 
Circulation Services Group, creating a rotating chair and co-chair structure.  Marianne and 
Penny seconded the motion.  Jutta proposed that a co-chair would serve alongside the chair 
for a period of oneyear, "learning the ropes."  The co-chair would assume chair 
responsibilitiesat the end of the year and a new co-chair would be elected or appointed.  
The "changing of the guard" would occur in July 2002, the beginning of the new fiscal 
year (July-June), as this is the most logical term of responsibility. So, to start this 
process for the next chair to be in place in July 2002, the new co-chair will need to be 
elected as soon as possible, ideally resuming duties in January 2002. CSG members discussed 
the advantages of this new structureand pointed out that the new structure would allow more 
people to be the chair, learn to facilitate meetings, and develop other skills. Also, the 
co-chair can serve as the emergency backup when the chair is unavailable. A vote was taken 
and the motion was carried unanimously, with a few voters abstaining. ü Action item:  Jutta 
will present this new structure to Isabel and ask for approval.

2.   Minutes from the Previous Meeting

The minutes of the October 16th meeting were approved with one minor change.  Alison asked 
about and the group expressed approval of the action item format used.

3. LSO Report

Penny reported that email notification was disabled for DHS patrons at the request of 
the Public Health Library.  A check of the active DHS patrons revealed that 33 had already 
signed up for email notification.  Their preference was reset from "Y" to "N" and they 
and PUBL staff were notified of the change.  The web program was changed to display an 
error message if DHS patrons try to sign themselves up for email notification.  The 
patron checking program has also been changed in order to prevent Privileges Desk staff 
from setting the email enabled field to "Y" if the affil code for the patron is "DHS". 
October 29th was the advertised cut-off date for patrons with an email address in their 
patron file to opt-out of email notification.  As of October 29th, all patrons with 
a valid email address in their record who have either a "Y" or an "A" in the "email on?" 
field will receive email notices rather than postcards.  Out of 16,000 patrons, 10,000 
have chosen to receive email notification and 1,500 have opted out.  The rest had 
no response.Thus, many fewer postcards have been sent, which, as Penny noted, has 
helped save time, save trees, and save the post office.  A new command was implemented, 
"set pref y / n," which allows any logged-on Gladis Circulation user to set the email 
preference, for patrons with active emails in their patron files, at the point of charge 
transaction, rather than via the web or via an address change form.  The notice program 
was changed at Peter's request to produce a hold pick list for Main.  The notice program 
was also changed to no longer assess the $10 processing charge for ILL patrons billed 
on CARS.  The change was made due to the difficulty experienced collecting the processing 
charges from other institutions after a book has been returned.  Fine at billing and fine 
at discharge notices for ILL patrons who are being billed on CARS are also not being 
generated.  Bill cancellations for ILL patrons will be treated as bill cancel free. Notice 
programs ran on Veterans' Day though they should not have due to the holiday.  The problem 
was fixed. Grace Abiko reported receiving a "reply length invalid - call Systems" message 
upon performing a renewal by NRLF barcode.  LSO pinpointed the bug in the CHARGE program - 
a test of the barcode revealed that the command mistakenly caused the NRLF barcode to fall 
into the "renew from Inventory screen" category.  The problem has been corrected.  Penny 
stressed that when GLADIS says "call Systems," one should call Systems.  The circulation 
availability display in Pathfinder was changed to exempt items belonging to IIRL from 
displaying the "loan period" info for short term loans and non-circulating materials.  
Since IIRL is not on Autocirc, all non-NRLF holdings are listed in GLADIS as non-circulating,
even though they can be checked out from the unit manually.  The display was confusing to 
opatrons as well as library staff.  The display now reads, 
"Check with this library location for item availability. "Nick Robinson sent a revised 
wording of the error message, which appears when DHS patrons attempt to change their 
email preference via the web form.  The message was changed.  Two new GLADIS locations 
will be added: DREF or Doe Reference, and MREF or Moffitt Reference.  The current HAS and 
INFO locations and selected GSSI materials will be consolidated into the new DREF location.  
MREF will be housed in the Moffitt InfoGateway, and will include new materials and selected 
GSSI, MAIN, and UNDE materials.

4. DHS Patrons

Nick Robinson introduced to the group the nature of the services provided to Department of 
Health patrons by the Public Health Library.  Because Public Health staff are acting as their 
proxies, email notification for the approximately 600 DHS patrons has been disabled.  Nick 
passed around the green charge form used by PUBL staff to check out books from other 
libraries for these patrons.  Postcards will be the mode of notification for these patrons' 
accounts and will be delivered to PUBL.  Nick asked that misdirected cards for DHS patrons 
received in other units be sent directly to PUBL. Penny suggested that a program change may 
be in order to change the routing of these postcards. Bill warnings and searches should still 
be searched at the owning unit as per usual.  Overdue notices should be routed to PUBL. 
(The notice program was changed Nov. 27th.  Overdue, recall, and pickup notices from all 
units for DHS patrons are now automatically routed to PUBL, if PUBL staff acted as proxies 
for that transaction.  If the DHS patron has checked out or requested an item directly, 
rather than via PUBL staff, these notices will be routed according to the owning location's 
normal practice.)

5. Feedback from the "Basic Supervision Laboratory" Workshop

Penny observed that the seminars provided an arena for circulation staff to interact and 
share information.  It was noted that so many sessions grouped together in a one week period 
made it difficult to commit to attend the entire workshop.  One or two sessions per week or 
two presentations of each topic would be more feasible, it was suggested.  Many noted that 
Elaine Fukuhara Schilling was an excellent instructor, who provided useful information on 
coaching, effective communication, time management, and job performance training.
Some circ staff expressed a need for resources explaining matters of legality surrounding 
discipline and the termination of employees.  As Kay had attended one of the supervision 
seminars and devoted much time to the topic, it was suggested that Kay be contacted to see 
if she would like to give a "guest lecture" on this topic to CSG.  ü Action item:  Marianne 
and Jutta will contact Kay regarding a presentation on the topic of legality of discipline 
and the termination of employees.  The group has allotted one hour during the February meeting 
for the lecture.

6.   Update Mentoring Program Subgroup

Brian updated the group on the progress and activities of the Mentoring Program Subgroup, 
which include monthly meetings, the drafting of a mini-charter, updating and revising 
the checklist, defining how the program will function, and instituting a pilot program.  
The pilot program, in which each member of MPS has a mentee, will allow MPS to get 
feedback on the program and determine how much time participation requires.  Because CSG 
originally expressed a desire for mentors to be veterans, Brian posed the following 
questions to the group: "What does it mean to be a veteran?  What does it mean to be 
comfortable with one's position?  Should there be a length of employment requirement 
for mentors?"   The group decided that mentors should have a one year minimum length 
of employment as well as proven skills and abilities, despite concerns that a stipulated 
minimum might elicit under-qualified applicants.  Brian noted that the extensive 
mentoring checklist will serve the dual purpose of outlining what knowledge a 
mentee will gain and what knowledge a mentor should have.  Brian also noted that,
related to this issue is the question of who will choose mentors.  This question may 
be posed to CSG in a future meeting.

7. Kronos Guidelines

Kronos will no longer automatically round work times.  A separate rounding system will 
be used by payroll to round at the end of each pay period.  (As of the Dec. 5th Kronos 
meetings, Elise Woods announced that Kronos rounding has been reinstated.)  Meredith 
informed the group that the campus-wide Kronos Group is developing campus, department, 
and user guidelines.  Meanwhile, Alison and Jutta advised the group to contact ASD 
directly for assistance.  The next pay period, November 21 through December 20, will 
be the first period where Kronos will "go live" to record time for both the Library 
and the campus.  Discussion of Kronos ensued.  The group demonstrated that it still 
has many questions and concerns regarding Kronos, and that information is needed. 
Agenda item number 8 was tabled until the next meeting.

The meeting was adjourned.  

Minutes for November 20th CSG meeting by Ayana Bourgeois and Julie Piacentine, December 5, 2001.


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