Circulation Services Group Minutes for March 1996


1. Announcements 
2. Circulation of Unbound Periodicals on Gladis                   
3. Systems Office Report 
4. CARS Update
5. Possible new Circ-code allowing short-term loans to Grads and  
   Faculty only

Chair: Rick Love
Recorder: Agnes Concepcion

Present: Mercedes Untawale, Julie Trujillo, Jeanne Fong, Agnes
Concepcion, Cris Guerrero, Bernie Hurley, Lea Mascorro, Matt
Offenbacher, Norah Foster, Nga Tran, Bella Shirman, Bruce
Williams, Meredith Fleming, Nensi Brailo, Linda Borromeo, Susan
Snyder, Rebecca Darby Williams, Rebecca Vesterfelt, Ayana
Bourgeois, Laura Ng, Marianne McDonald, Penny Bertrang,  

1. Announcements

A. Rick Love will contact the volunteers to start up on the work
on the autocirc manual.  The group will need to set up time to
organize the work.

B. Jean Kim introduced a new circ ID.  The new ID is ID=ILL-TRF. 
This will replace those *nbook rec'd ILS; routed to ENGI 960301
circ notes.
Now when a branc autocirc item comes back to ILS after being
lent, they will change the circ id to ILL-TRF instead of
ILL-xxxxxx.  This is to avoid CARS bills being sent to borrowers
when they're already returned books to ILS; any ILL-TRF items
that get lost between ILS and the branch will have to be replaced
on the SPRMB fund.  If branch staff see any notices for ILL-IN
TRANSIT TO UCB BRANCH LIB, they should do a shelf check in their
unit and notify ILS so that they can do a shelf check at MAIN. 
If nothing turns up, ILS will wait a couple of weeks to repeat
the shelf checks, and then refer to SPRMB for replacement.

2. Circulation of unbound periodicals on Gladis

Mercedes Untawale described the existing procedure used at the
Main Library.  The SLE enters information at the point of
circulation at the Circulation Desk.  Piggyback barcodes are
place on the front cover of the unbound periodical.

Julie Trujillo went into more detail:  patron finds the desired
unbound item, SLE finds Gladis record by call #, barcode placed
on front cover, v/c field is created, volume # entered, UNBOUND
is typed in caps, and added to the record.  This unbound will
appear at the very end of the periodical Gladis record.  When the
borrowed item is returned and discharged, a dup/call # message
appears, a print-out made, and both items are given to the
technical staff.  The item circulates for 1 week.

Bernie Hurley mentioned that he wants to get recommendations from
PSAG-TS about which circulation proposals to adopt.  A question
of whether unbound periodicals should circulate at all was
brought up.

3. Systems Office Report

Penny mentioned that on March 14 700 notices were sent.  LSO
received report that all 700 had been received.  All 700 notices
were acknowleged.

Procedures on how to bill premature CARS bills will be
forthcoming. Lorelie Mansur will send the procedures.

A Gladis record cannot be deleted if there is still a circulation
charge on it.

Systems still uses a program that deletes X-level records once
the bill is paid for or the item returned.

4. CARS update/demo.

Rick gave a demo on the RFR command in autocirc.  RFR: referred
for replacement.  Rick showed the group step by step procedures. 
The Detail Screen must be used.  Once the RFR is successfully
placed, the bill is not cancelled, patron is not unblocked and
this cleans up the record.

Rick addressed the policy regarding the situation when a patron
wants the book after he pays the replacement charge.  The patron
should not get the book back since the Library is not a

5. New circ code allowing short-term loans to grads and faculty

Rebecca Vesterfelt described the loaning policy of periodicals to
grads and faculty in the Environmental Design Library.  When
loaning out periodicals, charge cards are used.

Penny said we need to look at any other circ needs before making
a decision.

Bernie wants to review the library wide policy on journal
circulation before making any circ code changes.

Next meeting  Tuesday, April 16, 1996.  10:30 to Noon,   450C

Copyright (C) 1996 by the Library, University of California, Berkeley. All rights reserved.
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