Circulation Services Group Minutes, October 17, 1995

Present:  P Bertrang, L Borromeo, A Bourgeois, N Brailo, J Catalano, K 
Fletcher, G Ford, J Ford, M Flemming, C Guerrero, B Hurley, L Mansur, L 
Mascorro, M McDonald, L Ng, B Shirman, N Tran, R Vesterfelt, B Williams, JoD 
Wright, R Love (Chair)

S Snyder (Recorder)

1.  Announcements:

-A Sheet was passed around to update the reflector for Circulation 

-Rick reported that he had received a reply from Lee Leighton regarding 
problems with ordering material for course reserves.  The BPM makes 
allowances for direct purchasing from Cody's and ASUC.  Rick will invite 
Rebecca Green to the November meeting to answer questions.

-Rick brought from PSAG-PS a request for a CSG vote on whether or not patron 
SSN should be masked on the patron initiated renewal screen. There was a 
unanimous vote that the number should not be displayed.  The programming to 
mask the SSN number will most likely be done sometime after the CARS 
programming is completed.

-J Catalano inquired about the use on an institutional borrower ID for use 
with non-UC borrowers.  He wants to use MUSI-NONUC to charge items at the 
desk for in-house short term loans when a Reference Use Only card is not 
available to the patron.  Penny told him to call Jim Woodmansee at 2-6121 to 
ask for the form needed to request creation of an institutional ID.

-J Ford was asked by was asked by the Supply department to ask if units wanted 
any changes made to the printed overdue post cards that are due to be reordered.
The few units that use the cards said that no change was necessary.


-Bernie reported that from conversations past (MAIN) and future (ENGI) with 
regard to proposed quality-of-service measurements, he hoped to arrive at an 
understanding of what statistics we need to compile, in order that they be 
meaningful from a patron perspective rather than one of workload.  He stressed 
the need for repeated measurements that could be useful for various units under 
varying conditions.  The results should provide a way to demonstrate Library 
performance to clientele, and could eventually be valuable for budget planning 
purposes.  He will gather information and topics for brainstorming and 
discussion at a future CSG meeting.  Bernie added that Access Services has 
become involved in the funding of use studies.


-Penny reported that a program had been run to delete q-level records for MAIN 
and that problems with the new Tandem system had been reported and rectified.  A
program to add vendor numbers to patron records was completed, as was the 
transfer to GRDS of MAIN items charged to HUMA or GRDS.  Several 
"strange"records were identified and fixed individually.  Penny encouraged 
everyone to report unusual GLADIS records and/or functions.  Many of them 
require individual attention.  Next on the Systems agenda is programming for 
CARS.  Units will be notified of a demonstration of the GLADIS "manual" billing 
module in the near future.


-Nensi Brailo and Penny expressed concern about the incomplete and outdated 
(5/93) manual, using as an example the list of circ codes which was never 
included in the manual.  Discussion ensued about how often and when the manual 
is used by units.  Bernie suggested that the manual should be a web document. 
Penny said that there are some documents written for the original manual, but 
never included in it and that some of the manual is already available on the 
library gopher.  Marianne McDonald asked if the Reserves Manual could be 
incorporated into the AutoCirc User's Manual.  A committee will be formed, and 
those interested should e-mail Rick.


-  Lorelie Mansur passed out to some units packets of copies of old faculty 
invoices and asked that they be dealt with according the directions that she had
earlier e-mailed to the circulation supervisors.  Units should send a list of 
faculty for whom inventories/letters are necessary - including names, id number 
(s) and departments - to Nensi Brailo by November 1.


- Bernie asked that the results of the surveys of autocirc discharge problems 
conducted by BIOS, CHEM, EART, ENGI, MAIN and MAPS be sent to Rick. 

- Consensus was reached that the patron-initiated renewal bookmarks should be 
made a standard supply item.

- Ayana said the CHEM barcode readers frequently cannot read laminated student 
id barcodes and that the wands do not improve with repair.  Other units reported
a similar situation.  Bernie said that consistently poor wands can be replaced, 
and that units should keep a log of service calls on them.  Rick will write a 
letter to John Ober about the poor performance of barcode readers when used on 
SID cards and report back at the next meeting.

7.  Next meeting:  Tuesday, November 21, 1995  10:30AM - Noon.  

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