Circulation Services Group Minutes, March 15, 1994

Present: S Williams (chair), P Bertrang, L Mansur, J Catalano, L
Borromeo, N Foster, M Marrow, C Baz, M McDonald, R Vesterfelt, F
VanBuren, K Fletcher, S Snyder, M Martin, R Moon, J Ford, T
Kobayashi, N Tran, J Wright, A Hopson, R Love (recorder)

1. Announcements.
     A. S Williams encouraged everyone to fill our the
questionnaire sent to public service staff from PSAG-PS and PSAG-
TS regarding a new 18 month Technical Service Action plan.  She
also asked circulation staff to respond to PSAG-PS' request for
feedback on the problem of student turnover.  The group felt that
it was important to be quantitative as much as possible and if
possible to provide a comparison of student longevity before and
after the new classification system.  R Love requested that staff
also report the number of students whose library job was their
"second" job.

     B. J Ford announced that the library may be up on CARS as
early as Fall 94 semester.  A number of questions were raised
including how items would be identified on a CARS statement and
whether or not faculty would be billed on CARS. P Bertrang
pointed out that CARS treats bills and fines as separate entries
so that a patron can return a book and still have to pay a fine. 
It is also possible only to fine for an overdue item on CARS.
Loans and Receivables is also willing to provide training for
staff so that they can go into CARS and make updates such as
raising the bill (in the case of more expensive items) or
cancelling a bill.  
    L Mansur suggested that if faculty were not going to be
billed on CARS a possible solution would be to provide them with
an annual inventory of items charged out. They could then be
asked to return or renew items on their inventory.

2. Systems Office Report

     A. Problem with holdings edit.  It was discovered that the
holdings edit program was allowing users to remove a barcode from
items on reserve or prepped for reserve.  This left reserve
records linked to nonexistent GLADIS records or barcodes, which
spoiled various displays in various ways.
     If the barcode is removed, but the record is not deleted,
the item will be on appropriate snag/paging list, but without a
barcode.  It will also appear on the course title list with
correct title, but without a call number and V/C information.  On
detail and short screen, V/C won't appear to be on reserve or
prepped for reserve.  If the item is on reserve, and barcode is
added to another record, it may or may not appear to be on
reserve in that record.
     If the bib record was deleted, the item won't be on snag or
paging list even if the barcode was to another bib record. 
However, it will be on the course title list screen, with the
call number missing and title as "title unavailable"  If the
record is on reserve and barcode has been added to another bib
record, item may or may not appear to be on reserve in the new

         To FIX the problem records: If barcode was removed from
the record, but record is not deleted, barcode may be added back
to the V/C via holdings edit.  If the record was deleted, RESON
(if prepped) and RESOFF to clear, then rePREP and RESON again, if
the item is still on reserve.  You may need to refer to Penny to
find out what the barcode was.  The holdings edit program has
been fixed to disallow the deletion of the barcode when prepped
or on reserve.

      B. RETired patron records were protected.  Changes were
made in the batch tape load programs to prevent records with RET
(retired) affiliation from being expired (or updated).  This
brings the handling for RET patrons in line with handling for EMT
(emeritus) patrons.

      C.  On February 18th-20th the x level delete program was
ran.  Penny passed out a separate statistics sheet with the
number of records deleted for each unit.  The statistics were
also sent our to CIRCSUPE via E-mail.

3.  Circulation Supervisor Training.  

      The group discussed the need for a formal training program
for circulation supervisors. The discussion also centered on
improving communication between circulation supervisors so that
new supervisors would have a way  to ask questions and receive
assistance from their peers.  Possible solutions were an E-Mail
reflector for circulation supervisors only, a current phone list
of circulation supervisors, a "mentoring" arrangement between an
experienced and a new supervisor, and devoting more time at CSG
meetings to questions.  Discussion will continue at a future

4.  E-Mail reflector for staff who process RESERVES.  

     P Bertrang pointed out the need to set up a separate E-mail
reflector or list serve for staff who process reserve material. 
The discussion as to whether a reflector or list serve would be
better was shelved for discussion to our next meeting.

5.  Next meeting Tuesday, April 19th.  

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